
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sheldan Nidle Talks About Earth's True History Archive 5,14,14

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Sheldan Nidle Talks About Earth's True History

Archive from Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Tazz and Paula Show with Tazz Powers and Paula Nunes
Sheldan Nidle Talks About Earth's True History
To Listen:
Click Here

Life is changing every single minute of each day and night … it feels like an elastic Spiritual Journey that moves with us as we breathe … changing moment-to-moment …

And here with us today, opening the doors of our True-Earth-History that is not volleyed as well by any other … our amazing Guest, Sheldan Nidle.

An international best-selling Author, Lecturer, Physicist and a UFO / ET Representative that has learned to walk between many worlds, being thoroughly and carefully educated by the Galactic Federation. Even Physicists are now questioning what they’ve learned, because they are experiencing what they’ve learned is not delivering the results they need to walk forward in our New Earth.

While many speakers in the New Age community use channeling as a method for obtaining their information, in contrast Sheldan receives his information directly and clearly via his etheric and physical implants. This method facilitates an ongoing telepathic communication with his ET contacts.

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