
Friday, October 18, 2013

Guardians of Light Information by Lady Vessa Andromeda

We are not only Waking Up but are physiologically shifting into the Light of Our True Nature. As you read this message know it is Activating & Reconnecting yOur Spiritual Aspects. Our Open Hearted Insightfulness is Enriching the World & All of Relativity,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

‘Lady Vessa Andromeda, I call upon your assistance and support, please transport me and connect my energies with
the tenth ray of light of the planetary level of a pearlescent colour. Take me into your sacred soul integration and
embodiment chambers so that I may connect, experience and bathe in my soul light more fully. Assist me in
acknowledging the presence and embodiment of my soul while also enhancing the light strength within my being.
Prepare me to be a guardian of the light information of the universe and the Creator understanding when divinely
appropriate the divine plan and divine wisdom. Let me be a beacon of light assisting the ascension process of the
Earth and the Creator’s universe. Thank you.’

Guardians of Light Information by Lady Vessa Andromeda
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
It is with great pleasure that I bring forth my light to commune with your own, allowing a deep resonance and familiarity
to form. I come forth not only as a guide and a beloved friend but as the chohan and overseer of the tenth ray of light at
a planetary level.
There is so much beauty within the Creator’s universe and it is delightful to see that you are each realising and
connecting into the beauty of the Creator remembering who you are, your spiritual or energetic origins and the divine
presence of the Creator within you. Remembrance is a key shift and experience in this stage of ascension and it will
bring forth great enlightenment, security and awakening. At this time you are remembering aspects of who you are, you
are remembering that you are light and love, you are a soul, an aspect of the Creator, that the world is filled with
creation and you can create with the vibration of the Creator. There are so many abilities and skills emerging from your
soul, numerous memories of experiences beyond your current reality. The process of remembrance that you are
moving through is building a powerful core of light and strength within your being while expanding your mind beyond
the perspective of the third dimensional levels. Balancing, centring, awakening and illumination is occurring within your
being, this has a purpose of allowing you to remember your truth, your existence and origins beyond the physical reality
and body that you occupy. Your origins do not consist of where you come from spiritually but more so what your original
or truest energy vibration is. When you remove all that is physical what remains?
The purpose of self-discovery that you are experiencing and fuelling upon the Earth has a greater significance
because the process is opening and preparing you for receiving the divine knowledge, divine plan and divine wisdom
of the Creator and the universe. There are many upon the Earth who have already accessed aspects of light
information and wisdom from the universe and sometimes through artificial means, they wish to conceal the
information from the rest of humanity. The light information has the purpose of offering freedom, expansion and power
to those who receive and understand its wisdom. You are preparing your entire being, creating yourself once more
into a pure vessel of light not only so that you can understand yourself fully and use the tools and powers within your
being to exist in harmony and love with all aspects of the Creator but you are also preparing yourself for downloading
and accessing light information from the universe of the Creator. With the preparations of self-remembrance and
embodiment the light information can set you free and has the purpose of awakening your mind beyond the third
dimensional levels into the universe that is the Creator, understanding all that is beyond the Earth. This information
already exists within you and many of you are accessing the light information in parts already but when you truly allow
yourself to connect within, you can access the light information of the universe as it is simultaneously activated within
you and downloaded into your being for complete remembrance.
As I have said there are some who can access this information artificially without the spiritual preparations of self-
discovery through the means of technology and external tool, these beings do not wish for humanity to access their
original remembrance and the light information as the entire limitations, restrictions and fabric of the third dimension
and even the Earth would fall away as you are suspended in light and truth. The Earth was created for this purpose to
occur, as you return to oneness with the Creator and all limitations fall away but there are those who do not truly
understand the divine plan of the Creator and simply wish to retain power and control over humanity. Fear and the
experience of being powerless can feed a multitude of energies but within the essence of the Creator there is only love
and power. The limitations of the Earth and the third dimension are falling away for many of you each day and this
builds a strength within you that encourages and allows you to be a pure vessel for the sacred light information of the
Creator. In many ways you are preparing yourself to hold this light information and to create with sacred humble loving
strength from the wisdom shared. Accepting the light information of the Creator is an aspect of your accession but it
isn’t something that can be forced or even desired as this will push it further from your awareness. With a pure heart
and a clear devoted mind the light information of the entire universe of the Creator will automatically begin to activate
and download within your being. Therefore your remembrance of who you are will truly return to you and the physicality
of the Earth will no longer have a hold upon your being. You will be able to create not only for the Earth but for the
universe of the Creator, such as healing for all, enhanced divine connections with the Creator and so much more. I
hope that you can perceive how your reality would alter and how your attachments to the Earth would dissolve. With
more and more people accepting the light information of the Creator, the presence of the Creator would return in
abundant presence.
I wished to share this understanding with you so that you may realise free from ego and with a humble loving heart that
you are a guardian and an instigator of the powerful shifts of ascension that are waiting to proceed into the reality and
dimension of the Earth. You are also a guardian of the light information of the Creator and the universe. It is important
for you to continue to discover yourself, to realise the light you hold and that you are an aspect of the Creator because
you are preparing yourself to be a guardian of the light information of the Creator, safeguarding and enacting it upon
the Earth and within the universe of the Creator.
Know that there is a greater purpose even beyond the ascension pathway that is unfolding before you. With this
knowingness you are already overpowering the control that some may have over humanity, you are also preparing
humanity and your soul for a period of soul empowerment and powerful actions which will be instigated by the deep
centred core of light within you and the light information shared with you from the source of the Creator.
Allow yourself to perceive yourself as a light beacon of pure and humble love, the more that you strengthen and expand
your light the more light information from the Creator flows into your entire being allowing you to protect and share
appropriately. This is a simple meditation that can assist the process of remembrance of your self, soul, role and
purpose. It also returns to you your power and your ability to transform and create as the Creator upon the Earth.
I have come forth to you with this message because I also wish to remind you to release all fears and expectations of
that which is beyond the Earth or you may perceive to be within the Creator’s universe, this will allow you to be more
fully open to receive the channels of light from the Creator’s universe. Fear only weakens your vibration while a humble
loving and trusting heart fuels your inner power and light strength. It is important to realise that the process I speak of
can also be described as an aspect of soul integration. I am the chohan of the tenth ray of light which is known for soul
integration, this is why I bring forth this essential message as I wish to assist you in accessing your light power and the
light information of the Creator through deep soul integration processes. This pearlescent light more so aids soul
embodiment rather than simply integration, allowing for the soul to pour into all aspects of your being, creating a deep
and beautiful alchemy of light within your being to strengthen, empower and awaken the divine within. You may wish to
visit the tenth ray ashram at a planetary level during your sleep state or during meditation so that I and the light of the
tenth ray may be of service to you.
'Lady Vessa Andromeda, I call upon your assistance and support, please transport me and connect my energies with
the tenth ray of light of the planetary level of a pearlescent colour. Take me into your sacred soul integration and
embodiment chambers so that I may connect, experience and bathe in my soul light more fully. Assist me in
acknowledging the presence and embodiment of my soul while also enhancing the light strength within my being.
Prepare me to be a guardian of the light information of the universe and the Creator understanding when divinely
appropriate the divine plan and divine wisdom. Let me be a beacon of light assisting the ascension process of the
Earth and the Creator’s universe. Thank you.’
Simply allow the pearlescent light of the Creator from the tenth ray to wash over and through your being as I, Lady
Vessa Andromeda, assist and support deep transition and shifts within you.
Remember that you are and humbly hold the power of the Creator within your being.
With love and divine power,
Lady Vessa Andromeda

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