
Monday, September 23, 2013

GOLDEN AGE Messages from the MASTERS~~Living Presence to Presence


Our world is about to experience a shock as the global currencies are revalued. Take this time to focus on a peaceful, smooth, graceful transition. This financial transition is all about setting the stage for worldwide prosperity....


----- Original Message -----
From: PAO
To: galacticjack
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 8:36 PM
Subject: GOLDEN AGE Messages from the MASTERS
~~Living Presence to Presence


Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

WOW! The energies of September's full moon and Fall Equinox have been intense. Many people are reporting they are having even more difficulty with their sleeping patterns. I know I sure have. The moon is waning now so last night I actually slept 2 hours, up for 2 hours and then 6 glorious hours of uninterrupted sleep. Hallelujah!
I also heard from many of you that you felt like your bodies were speeding even though your mind was calm. This ascension symptom should settle down now that the Equinox has passed.
Our world is about to experience a shock as the global currencies are revalued. Take this time to focus on a peaceful, smooth, graceful transition. This financial transition is all about setting the stage for worldwide prosperity. As the Councils of Shamballa tell us:
"Your thinking mind and the information that your brain is carrying needs to be fully aligned with your heart in order for you to embody your Presence. This means that your mind and your heart need to be functioning as an indivisible unit of consciousness." (scroll down for the entire message)
It is now more important than ever before to trust your heart knowing (Love) and quiet your doubting minds (fear).
Blessings of Love sent your way...

Join us for the latest information on our ascension process!

What happens to us before and during the Announcements?

What happens to us after the Announcements?

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The Divine Partners:

Spiritual Hierarchy - Galactic Federation - Ascended Masters - Secret Sacred Societies (Earth Allies) - Agarthans - Gaia - Humans

A host of events must unfold before the reality shift can be fully manifested. By working together as partners, we are bringing ever closer the moment when each event, like a string of beads, falls perfectly into place.
Topics include...
• How we are working together.
• Why has it taken so long to coordinate the shift?
• What can we do now to help make it happen?
• What happens to us before and during the Announcements?
• What happens to us after the Announcements?
• How can we be more patient while we wait?

Thursday, September 26, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

(California Time)


Seats are Limited... Register Now!

After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions
Cost: $15.00 U.S.


through the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School

Living Presence to Presence

Part I
You are invited to walk on your Earth as your God Presence so you can demonstrate what it looks and feels like to live, love and create as fully conscious beings in Unity Consciousness. It is in living in Oneness with the Presence of each other that you will have the magnetic strength within your hearts to attract the Source Love and Light that is necessary for establishing a new Golden Age on your blessed Earth. The Golden Age relationships, families and communities that you are invited to create can then act as templates for establishing many larger Cities of Light across your globe. These Cities can only be created in your world when the great majority of your consciousness has moved into such unconditional love that you are experiencing that Divine Love as your true and primary essence.

The Masters within the Councils of Shamballa

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Living Presence to Presence is the glorious opportunity that is presently being made available to every soul on Earth. It is an invitation that involves your active agreement and participation. It is your alliance with your Presence that is ultimately going to take you and all of humanity into Unity Consciousness on the 5th dimension. That dimension has the capacity to support both your uniqueness as an individual as well as your co-joined abilities to sustain a new Golden Age. Only your collective field of Divine Love, which is always in union with Divine Light, has the power to fully magnetize the hearts, minds and bodies of humanity into their Presence and into the 5th dimension where all of life is living in Unity Consciousness. This is what the new Golden Age is really all about.
Living Presence to Presence within your families and communities is vital so humanity can live in Unity Consciousness during your present window of opportunity. When you join together as conscious beings in Councils of Light that are dedicated to supporting the Presence of all beings, you then meet as we do within a field of Source Love and Light that is always there to support you walking the Earth as living masters.
The solar frequencies that have been coming into your realm since last December are a tremendous gift that are being given to assist each of you in burning out the last remaining fear-based thoughtforms that may still be residing within your consciousness. These limiting thoughts and feelings were established many thousands of years ago within both the 3rd and 4th dimensional domains of your consciousness. As these stored thoughts and feelings are lovingly transmuted out of the personal and collective levels of humanity’s consciousness, your Earth will have the support to start manifesting more of her higher destiny, which is to be the Heart Center of your galaxy.
Your present alignment with your Central Sun is also assisting you in merging your mind and your higher spiritual centers with your Presence. This alignment is preparing those higher spiritual centers to be educational avenues for teaching you about Golden Age living, leadership and communities.
Your thinking mind and the information that your brain is carrying needs to be fully aligned with your heart in order for you to embody your Presence. This means that your mind and your heart need to be functioning as an indivisible unit of consciousness. As this becomes a more conscious part of your everyday reality, you will move into greater contact with many dimensions that are a part of your ancient memory grid. Your stellar awareness is connected into codes of Light that are presently being awakened within your crystalline DNA. The awakening of these ancient domains of your consciousness is bringing you into a much greater alignment with levels of your being that are connected into the overall intelligence that abides within your universe.
You have many geometric keys that are encoded within your DNA that are now being opened so they can serve you in anchoring in your new Golden Age and the intelligent energy that is presently coming in from the overlighting consciousness of your Central Sun. These solar frequencies are presently being illuminated within your spiritual centers and the spiritual centers upon, within and above your Earth.
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Courses from Walk the Earth as a Living Master

Presence to Presence: Living in Unity Consciousness

October 29, November 5 & 12
Online Worldwide via Teleconference/Webcast

Creating the Beloved Golden Age Community Teachers Certification Training

November 30 - December 3
Online Worldwide, and Maui, Hawaii In-Person
To learn more about the Courses and Teachers Trainings, go to: [] and click on the Menu.
The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master are offered by the Ascended Masters Mystery School, created by the Masters to assist humanity in living their mastery. The receivers of the Masters’ transmissions, facilitators of the Courses and coordinators of the school are Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose.
Kamala is the author of “Heart Initiation: Preparing for Conscious Ascension” and has been receiving transmissions from the Masters for over 35 years. Sharon has been in communication with the Masters for over 30 years, past Director of The School for Self-Mastery and Center for Esoteric Studies and has written more than a dozen spiritual books.
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