
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Life is NOW, So Forget the Waiting + Spiritual Realms are Rejoicing...

The clouds are lifting, the Light is brightening as you change the focus of your attention from the unreal to Love, the all-embracing field of divine energy in which you have your eternal existence.

As the Light intensifies it will be impossible for you to keep your eyes closed, let alone remain asleep. Your natural state is fully awake, fully aware, fully conscious, and, therefore, knowing God...

The Changes are surfacing in mass consciousness as our Attention is being Riveted to Reality,


Life is now, so forget the waiting

August 11, 2013 by John Smallman


God’s plan is brilliant, beautiful, perfect. Here in the spiritual realms we are in constant delighted amazement as it continues to unfold just as He intends. For you on the Earth plane, engrossed in your illusory reality, it is and will remain totally beyond comprehension – in fact, the vast majority of you are unaware that God’s plan even exists. Do not ask “Which plan?” in a puzzled voice, because there is only One Plan: God’s Plan – which is the creative energy field in which all that He intends occurs. And all that He intends always occurs precisely according to that plan. Humanity’s awakening is an aspect of that plan and will, therefore, happen exactly as divinely willed and intended. Your guides, mentors, and channels in the spiritual realms have been keeping you up-to-date on the aspects that effect you directly. So pay attention, listen to their advice and guidance, take it to heart and act on it.
As humanity’s eons-long wait to awaken draws to a close, it can be very uplifting for you to reflect on the amazing progress your spiritual evolution has made in the last three or four decades. If you compare the amount of spiritual information available to you now via many sources, compared to what was available in the 1960s, the growth is phenomenal. And following on from that is the enormous rise in the numbers of people seeking to live more lovingly, more consciously, and more compassionately.
Humanity is impatient to awaken, very impatient – which is fine because the sooner you awaken the better – but when you consider the eons that the illusion has existed in comparison to a human life time, your impatience does seem a little out of place, remembering also that these eons have lasted, in Reality, but a moment. So, instead of focusing on hopefully waiting for some future event, live in the now, then savor every moment of it, because that is when life happens.
You could look back over your lives and recall something to which, at the time, you were enthusiastically looking forward or, conversely, dreading, and maybe recall as well an occasion or opportunity that happened during the time that you were waiting, which you let slip by, largely unappreciated, and which later maybe caused you much regret. Life is now, so forget the waiting, which can be a grave distraction, a disincentive that arrests you, stops you in your tracks, when you could be enjoying life!
Worry is an aspect of fear, and joy is an aspect of love, but only Love is Real! Focus on Love, change yourselves, and thereby change the world. Changing yourselves and thereby changing the world is in fact precisely what you are doing, but it never hurts to intensify your focus on Love by refocusing frequently, i.e. by bringing your attention back to Love whenever It comes to mind. As with any regular practice, the more you practise the easier it becomes and the more you want to do it as your skill and enjoyment increases. When you allow Love to guide you, life flows far more smoothly, and any upsets or disappointments you experience are more easily dealt with. They seem somehow much less important, as of course they are! Remember you are confined within an illusion, where nothing that occurs is truly Real, and the bubble that is the illusion is about to burst.
Reality, your true Home, is about to be revealed after being hidden from your view, your awareness, your knowledge by your choice to lurk in the illusion among all that gloom and fear. The clouds are lifting, the Light is brightening as you change the focus of your attention from the unreal to Love, the all-embracing field of divine energy in which you have your eternal existence. As the Light intensifies it will be impossible for you to keep your eyes closed, let alone remain asleep. Your natural state is fully awake, fully aware, fully conscious, and, therefore, knowing God.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

All in the spiritual realms are rejoicing, because we have missed You

When you awaken into Reality, what you are and who you are will start to become apparent, and it will utterly delight, astonish, and amaze you, and You. You are eternal – an immortal being forever One with God....

You and I, humanity, God, the Source of all being, are One, because all that exists is contained within the infinite field of divine Love beyond which there is not and never can be anything else, anything at all. Creation, God, the field in which everything is, is complete, and paradoxically, is forever expanding. There are no limits. It is as simple as that, and yet it is far more complex than you can possibly imagine.
When you awaken into Reality, what you are and who you are will start to become apparent, and it will utterly delight, astonish, and amaze you, and You. You are eternal – an immortal being forever One with God, and yet You have been experiencing, through Your own choice, an intense sense of separation, a state that is impossible: individuality, followed by death. Just know, as in truth you do, that there is only Life; there are no alternatives. Knowing that, as You do, there is no need, reason, or justification for fear and all its adjuncts. There is only God and you, and You are to awaken into the Reality of that because collectively You have made the choice and the decision to allow the illusion to dissolve.
Oneness is a state of pure, unadulterated joy, and nothing can interfere with it, change it, remove it, or hide it. It is constantly aware, alive, and loving, but You chose to pretend that this was not so, and have endured seemingly interminable suffering as a result. Finally, as the depths of separation were experienced in Your ongoing nightmare, You made the choice to awaken and thereby to return to Love. That decision was made the instant You chose to imagine separation, but in that instant the whole history of the illusion was contained.
God is completed in You, and You in God, and that completeness is indissoluble, permanent, everlasting. It is the only state, or condition, although You have for a short while, an extremely short while, refused to acknowledge it by hunkering down into an imaginary environment that you constructed within a very small section of your collective Mind, and then lowering the curtain behind You, closing out the Light of God’s Love, Reality. Without His Love, which is impossible, all would be extremely dark, and that is what You chose to experience. Now You are preparing to raise the curtain and let in the Light of His eternal Love for You, and all in the spiritual realms are rejoicing, because we have missed You.
You and you, Us and You, Us and you are confusing terms for a very confusing situation. We are all eternally present to one another; many faces, many minds, and yet only One Mind, the Mind of God. All these terms of separation, pronouns – I, he, she, we, you, they, in upper case and lower case – are confusions of the illusion, and in Reality are absolutely meaningless. And yet we, all the infinite aspects of God, our Source, do play and interact within the One. It is a state of infinite joy to which you are returning after what seems to you like an extremely long sojourn overseas, or in a totally different universe.
It has been but momentary, because Our Father would not allow His beloved to suffer, but your experience of it, by Your own choice, has seemed interminable. And because of that it gives us great joy to know that your “ungodly” experience is almost over for you. In truth we have not been concerned because of course we fully understand the unreality of it. Nevertheless it has grieved us to see you apparently suffering severely and grimly, even though, and also because, it has been by Your own choice. As the moment for your awakening approaches our joy intensifies.
With so very much love, Saul.

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