
Friday, July 19, 2013

Golden Heart of Magdalene Chamber by Mary Magdalene


Simply ask my energies, Mary Magdalene, to come forward to you as you enter into a state of peace and meditation.

Ask me to transport you into the Golden Heart of Magdalene Chamber within the Goddess Ashram upon the inner planes at a cosmic level.

First experience the magnification and high frequency of the golden energy and then the divine and powerful presence of the Magdalene vibration surrounding you...

Mary Magdalene is a Christed Being working with Jesus Emanuel Activating Our Hearts,


Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

Golden Heart of Magdalene Chamber by Mary Magdalene
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-19-07-13-
In waves of love I transport my consciousness to reunite with your consciousness and vibration.
Let us exist in a peaceful state of oneness so that the will and divine love of the Creator may pulsate
throughout our entire beings, magnifying with each sacred aspect and vibration within our beings
that we resonate with. The vibration and purpose I hold is focused and stems from the love of the
Creator. This seems such a general statement and yet it is the most wondrous and true experience
for me. Love is everything that I experience and everything that I give to you. It is a conscious love
filled with wise consciousness and meanings of the Creator’s love, a love that often only momentarily
meets with you in your physical body, bringing an inspired breath of freedom, knowingness and inner
warmth. Yet this pure vibration of love is akin to a powerful feed of ancient and new wisdom
composed as a beautiful symphony of music. Can you comprehend a love that is awe inspiring,
which embraces you completely, heals you instantly and guides you to simultaneously acknowledge
all the knowledge within the Creator’s universe and beyond? This form of love which is akin to a
stream or tidal wave from the Creator’s soul, is accessed by you momentary in meditation or union
with guides, loved ones or simple inspired moments. Like an all knowing ecstasy which fills you with
Creator knowledge. You have the ability to access this form of love more frequently and to embody it
within your physical and energetic light bodies. I, Mary Magdalene, step forward to assist and serve
you in this mission and quest of self-discovery of your magnificent love vibrations and opportunities.

The Magdalene vibration and teachings of love supported and encouraged an entrance into the tidal
wave of knowledge and wisdom of the Creator’s vibration of love, where one was able to experience
their true self as a flowing vibration of love. The Magdalene teachings were present upon the Earth
and the inner planes before my presence upon the Earth and I enrolled myself first into the spiritual
teachings of Magdalene upon the inner planes while in existence upon the Earth, later anchoring the
sacred wisdom through my being. The Magdalene teachings are based upon the teachings of the
Goddess vibration and the exploration of the Goddess within and yet they focus upon drawing the
masculine vibration into oneness with the feminine in order to support a great blossoming of the
feminine vibrations and the sacred wisdom held by the feminine aspect of the Creator. The
Magdalene teachings encourage the masculine vibrations to be a support for the awakening of the
feminine vibrations while allowing the feminine vibrations to give with strength and complete
openness to the masculine vibrations. Each aspect is empowered gradually and through diverse
process and practices until both reach a stage of unity together within your being and therefore
unification with the Creator. Many people especially during, before and after the time of Jesus
studied the Magdalene teachings, which have diverse levels of graduation and wisdom, even souls
in physical male bodies studies with the energies of the Magdalene vibration which is akin to a soul
or source of light on the inner planes focused upon awakening of love.

The balance between the masculine and feminine aspects of each person upon the Earth is
reforming, balancing and uniting which is causing much awakening especially at a heart level as the
vibrations of the Creator and the masculine and feminine vibrations of the Creator are expressed,
experienced and unified through the heart chakra centre and gateway. Due to this awakening, which
has been occurring for some time, the Magdalene vibration as a source of support and awakening
is further anchoring into the Earth and into the heart centres of many. We come in many ways not to
teach or even guide you but to inspire and mirror vital awakening and balancing of the masculine
and feminine vibration within your being, encouraging and allowing you to access that state of all
knowing wisdom of and as love. Those that studied and channelled the Magdalene energies are
now advancing to new realms of experience and exploration of the divine love of the Creator whether
they are upon the Earth or within the inner planes, this symbolises a powerful awakening of love that
will take place within the Magdalene conscious community that was and still remains as heart
connections. Whether you have studies in the past with the Magdalene energies or not, you have the
opportunity to accelerate your own further awareness of love through the awakening that we as a
united light and consciousness are experiencing and facilitating, which is truly coming into fruition in
this new age.

You may notice my presence within your reality and energies more frequently as many known as the
Magdalenes are stepping onto the Earth in energetic form to awaken and unite the divine and
feminine vibration of the Creator within all who are ready and willing to move to a new level of
ascension and oneness awareness. In your meditation time you can call upon the Magdalene
energies overseen by my vibration and consciousness, Mary Magdalene, inviting us to surround you
completely in our love vibration. You may ask us to work with your energetic being, physical body
and soul to bring forward to you the Magdalene vibration of love for your experience. As you allow
yourself to bathe in continuous waves of love, focus upon connecting with and experiencing a new
vibration of love that brings forward to you the great knowingness of love as a profound enlightening
wisdom. Let yourself exist in peace and acceptance of this vibration, which will shift you into
acknowledging a deeper state of your truth as our energy becomes a mirror of the love within your
being. Let our energies work with you to clear aspects that are lacking in love and to purify or
heighten the love that is already realised within your being.

We also wish to invite you to experience the Golden Heart of Magdalene Chamber within the
Goddess Ashram upon the inner planes at a cosmic level. This chamber emanates the purest
Magdalene vibrations and is completely covered in golden light that shimmers intensely. The golden
light vibrates at an extremely high frequency activating within you your pure vibration of love. With this
activation the golden light magnifies your energies then reflecting it back into your being for your
observation and experience of yourself; your pure vibration of love.

There is then the opportunity for you to ask to activate the purest vibration of your feminine aspect
from your soul, imagining it emanating into the golden chamber, where it will be magnified and
reflected back at you for your experience and observation.
The same can be experienced when you ask for your masculine vibration to be projected from your
soul into the golden chamber for magnification and reflection back at you.

A further process can be achieved which is to ask for the divine unified masculine and feminine
vibrations of your soul to be projected from your being into the golden chamber for magnification and
reflection back into your being. As the powerful and pure integration of your masculine and feminine
vibrations are poured back into your being you can take an opportunity to experience embodiment
of the energies, as well as a deeper integration and understanding of this aspect of your being. You
will be allowing the golden chamber to project back to yourself a united healed aspect of your being
for your further observation and expression of your true vibrations of love. This is a most beautiful
and sacred opportunity not only to connect with and experience the Magdalene energies but to also
comprehend, experience and integrate with deeper aspects of your being, thus experiencing a
greater oneness with the Creator.


Simply ask my energies, Mary Magdalene, to come forward to you as you enter into a state of
peace and meditation. Ask me to transport you into the Golden Heart of Magdalene Chamber within
the Goddess Ashram upon the inner planes at a cosmic level.
First experience the magnification and high frequency of the golden energy and then the divine and
powerful presence of the Magdalene vibration surrounding you.

Ask for your purest vibration of love to activate, project and to be magnified and reflected back into
your energies for your experience and observation. (Allow time to experience and breath)

Ask for your purest vibration of your feminine aspect to activate, project and to be magnified and
reflected back into your energies for your experience and observation. (Allow time to experience
and breath)

Ask for your purest vibration of your masculine aspect to activate, project and to be magnified and
reflected back into your energies for your experience and observation. (Allow time to experience
and breath)

Ask for your purest vibration of your integrated and united masculine and feminine aspect to
activate, project and to be magnified and reflected back into your energies for your experience and
observation. (Allow time to experience and breath)

Hold the intention of experience a greater oneness of love with the Creator.

When you wish to return to your reality simply breathe all the energy into your feet and the Earth.

You will notice that our presence and energy within your reality intensifies as we are sharing sacred
teachings and consciousness that is now ready to anchor into the Earth and awaken from your

Mary Magdalene

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