
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Deciphering world events (& Our Hearts)


I knowe'd Allove to hear thathe Announcements, changes in gov't & Abundance are Happening.

Each day during my inner work I focus on ways to Uplifthenergies & help speed things along.

Whatever you can do helpstrengthens thesenergies as we continue to transmute darkness.

We can let others know there is a Great struggle going on to bring in a NeWorld of Love.

And know thathe Shift is happening Until it's Accomplished & returns Us to the Light,


Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

----- Original Message -----
From: PAO
To: galacticjack
Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2013 5:35 PM
Subject: Deciphering world events
PAO Email Update banner -MadMimi72

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Are you feeling confused, frustrated or bewildered? Do you worry that nothing is changing and that the world just keeps getting worse? Then Sheldan's webinar archive, Finding Our Way Through the Chaos, is for you.
Our Ascended Masters (St. Germain, Quan Yin, Hilarion and St. Paul the Venetian) advised us to present a webinar on current events and how they relate to the unfoldment of the Divine Plan. They feel the frustration of Lightworkers. They told us that many of the Lightworkers do not know how to decipher what is happening in the world. It can be tricky learning to "read between the lines" of the news given to us through so many conflicting sources. It is important to "think" with your hearts.
Eistin on freedom
If you are like me, I never paid much attention to politics, economics~~how money works or whose in charge of our world. Then I spiritually woke up. That's when I realized it was to my benefit and my responsibility to educate myself on these matters. I was 43 at the time.
We Starseeds and Lightworkers came here to dismantle a power structure that has reigned for 13 millennia. This is not an easy task but we are spiritual warriors and we are here to claim Victory!
It may look like it is business as usual on planet Earth but this is far from the Truth. In this webinar, Sheldan outlines what is happening to support the Divine Plan as it unfolds. This is a time for Starseeds and Lightworkers to shore up our commitment, refocus our intention, revitalize our Spirits.
We offer a webinar preview video ~ A Refocusing Meditation
Truly, Together we are Victorious!


webinar archive #39

In this archived Webinar, Sheldan discusses global events and how we can help reset the energies for our coming new reality.

Finding Our Way Through the CHAOS

Topics include...
• Our False Economy – How we are being fed lies
• Growing the New Economy
• BRICSI Countries – What they are currently doing
• False Flag Events – How we are being fed fear
• How Can We Discern the Truth from Media Propaganda?
• Time to Recommit to Our Purpose: Meditation to Set the Energy for a New Reality
• We are not alone!

Order Finding Our Way Through the Chaos
Refocusing Meditation


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