
Friday, May 24, 2013

TheShift - Why It's Happening... monsanto vs 40 Countries... Eclipse 5/24


There's a littleclipse coming followed by Fleets of Galactic Federation Shipstreaming over our hearts,,,

Hold thathought like a shutter blinking & giving us a True Picture of oureality sharing itself,


Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

TheShift – Why It’s Happening. Where It’s Taking Us.

Published on May 19, 2013
With the closing of the 3rd dimensional reality many find themselves in a state of loss and confusion. For the very sands they long believed their castles were built upon have begun to shift beneath them.
But the closing of the 3rd dimension does not have to be experienced as a loss at all. In fact, just the opposite is true. It is a time of celebration as the many limitations that have long held us in bondage are being stripped away only to reveal the true, vast, multi-dimensional nature of who we are.
“The Shift – Why It’s Happening. Where It’s Taking Us.” uses compelling imagery, words and music to highlight many key components of the shift and to point those feeling stuck in a new direction.
The Shift Ebook is a simple, straightforward, yet in-depth, explanation of what is happening now on the planet, and how to best move within these extraordinary times of change.
The Video and The Shift Ebook are our gifts to you and anyone you feel might benefit from the information provided. Please take a moment to watch and then visit our website to download your free copy. [international versions are also available here. . . ~J]


RT: Challenging Monsanto: 200,000 in 40 countries to rally against GMO
Published time: May 24, 2013 09:51
Protesters against Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are chained to a vehicle as they block a delivery entrance to a Monsanto seed distribution facility in Oxnard, California (Reuters / Mario Anzuoni)

Protesters against Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are chained to a vehicle as they block a delivery entrance to a Monsanto seed distribution facility in Oxnard, California (Reuters / Mario Anzuoni)

Activists around the world are gearing up for a weekend of rallies to protest Monsanto, the biotechnology giant accused of genetically engineering agriculture and food while turning a blind eye to their potentially deadly health ramifications.
Organized by the ‘March Against Monsanto’ movement, an estimated 200,000 activists will participate in the massive campaign spanning six continents, 40 nations, and at least 48 US states.
Angered by the lack of action from governments on the issue, activists in hundreds of cities – including New York, Chicago, Montreal, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Moscow and Melbourne – will stage coordinated protests against Monsanto and demand a ban on Genetically Engineered and Genetically Modified Organisms (GE/GMOs).
Initially a small, grassroots event, the march became a globe-spanning movement through the efforts of local activists and environmentalists. The protest is being organized on Facebook and Google Documents, where users can find a list of events near their location......
Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse 5-24-2013
Dear Friends,
Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse is Friday, May 24, at 10:25 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is the third eclipse and bookend to this powerful and transformative time. It is difficult to predict what the fallout may be from what has been stirred up during this month but you can expect some big energy to be moving around. The potency of this time could trigger security issues, judgment and doubt. Hopefully you will have had synchronicity and signs during the month that will keep you focused positively on your newfound abilities to manifest. This full moon is a time to recommit to what you know in your heart to be true about what you want to manifest.
Keep in mind that every thought, intention, desire, doubt, emotion, reaction and action has been greatly magnified during this time. Most likely you have had to deal with an intensity level in your life that feels bigger than what you have had to deal with in the past. You are giving birth to a new self and the birth process is stretching you in ways that you have not experienced before. Think of yourself in training for the higher frequency and expansive energy emerging on the planet. It is always important that you take some time and be in gratitude for your ability to step up to what life is giving you as well as to take a breath and a break from it all when you need balance. And take care of the body in some way as the body struggles with new energies it does not understand. You may be experiencing aches and pains you never had before. Work with water, drink lots of it, immerse yourself in it and make sure you are getting enough minerals.
We have an awesome special on the Quantum Stilus until the end of May. Buy one, get up to 2 more at 50% off the regular price.
(link here)
Full Moon in Sagittarius/Lunar Eclipse
Friday, May 24, 2013 10:25 PM MDT
(Saturday, May 25, 2013 4:25 AM GMT)
Support and ease is abundant in the Full Moon chart and at the same time, challenges and tensions are strong in this powerful, amplified window. Keep in mind three interacting factors for this Moon:
1-Lunar eclipse
2-SuperMoon! (Which means the Moon is closest to the Earth, and Sun, Moon, Earth are in alignment to each other in a straight arrow fashion)
3-Exact Pluto square Uranus aspect period May 20 (third of seven squares from 2012 to 2015)
We are completing a notable growth period provided by the three-eclipse container of the last month and fueled by the awakening of the solar flares. With 2012-13 the peak in the 11-year sunspot cycle, the sunspots, so rapid fire in 2012 have remained quiet all year until now. Currently, totally active! They held their fire until we needed some extra fuel for the growth we have experienced in the last eclipse month. We're being stretched, prodded, pressured and examined to see what we're made of, and what we value enough to show up for. Windows like these help us destabilize, lose the familiar, and get out of our well-developed minds and get a glimpse of Spirit's intention for our highest good. Our bodies don't like it; resistance surfaces, but destabilization brings our best shot for regrouping, expanding and shepherding in the higher frequencies, quickened time, and greater balance our planet is now ready for.
At the same time, there is such effortless, easeful trine energy available here especially from the water signs-our emotional, receptive, fluid nature where we just tap in and intuitively understand what is going on from our deep knowingness. This trine water energy is part of our learning as well at this time - how to be fluid, receive, use our feminine powers of cooperation. Being connected feels so nourishing now - to others, to Spirit, to Nature, to our own hearts. If we don't let the pressure of the dense physical illusion move us into fear (and there is plenty of reason to go there!), then we can tap into the frequencies that are supporting us in this extremely creative, exciting time.
It's a dance! A balancing of pressure and surrender and the Sun's shift into Gemini is just the energy we need to lighten the dense quality of our physicality so more miraculous energies of the invisible world can be made manifest through each of us. Part of the turn of 2012 relates to turning the corner on this planet of not only masculine polarity and violence, but in the denseness our bodies hold. Lighten up! Allow spaciousness. Give Spirit some room to work miracles and give you your heart's desire. We are breaking the container we hold collectively of the suffering, hardship and loss of connection to Spirit and our planet of the last 2000+ years. Let's allow this Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon to work with our minds, thinking and connecting processes, beliefs, interpretations, and visionary abilities to create a larger, richer and more vibrant, abundant container for ourselves. We need to 'hundred monkey' this frame of mind, and this is the Moon for it.
Venus, Mercury and gift-giving Jupiter are all happily aligned in Gemini. In fact, if you look at the sky just after sunset this weekend, you will see these three heavenly bodies clustered together shining like diamonds in the western sky. Mercury is powerful in its own sign and ruler of the Gemini Sun; Jupiter in Gemini rules the full Sagittarius Moon. Venus is also in Gemini and in the same degree as Mercury - perfect support for playing with your mind and mental habits in new ways. The trio, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, are supporting Juno, Goddess of Committed Relationship, who is challenging and squaring the North and South Nodes. The Nodes represent what we have brought in from the past (South) and the cutting edge of where we are growing and learning (North). The challenge is in fixed, power signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius) so it represents a long-standing pattern that needs to be moved in the way we hold our personal relationships.
If we back out and look at a bigger picture, Pluto squaring Uranus is affecting our planet and our consciousness with an extended period of transformative forces and revolutionary change. We have to look at the traditional, calcified structures within our society and ourselves and submit them to the radical change demanded by Uranus. These two square again on November 1st, in the spring and fall of 2014, and for the last time in the spring of 2015. In the Full Moon chart, it is Vesta, Goddess of the Sacred Temple Flame, who is exactly opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus. Vesta is the feminine part of us that preserves our sexual/creative energy for focused dedication to a personal calling (sometimes sacred, artistic or enterprising). So Vesta is challenging the status quo and encouraging us to clarify from deep within our heart's sanctuary where we want to concentrate and devote our energies.
The awakening our planet is experiencing will not move forward without the influences of the feminine aspects of ourselves holding a core position. We are all part of the shift from the constructs of cause and effect Newtonian physics to quantum physics. An eclipse in Gemini/Sagittarius has the potential to move our mental energies to a place that can encompass even greater capacities focused through the heart. Our very bodies must evolve from an electro-magnetic based manifestation to a more crystalline field with far greater abilities to connect with our planet, heal and nourish our bodies, manifest with ease, and utilize all the support available to us from the invisible worlds. Everything will be amplified during this eclipse period, so let's consciously put forth our thoughts, prayers, intentions, and visualizations to activate the highest good for all and the best possible future.
06/08 Gemini New Moon 18º 10:58 AM MDT
06/20 Summer Solstice 11:03 PM MDT
06/23 Full Moon in Capricorn 5:33 AM MDT
Written by Patricia Liles ( patliles @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

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