
Friday, April 26, 2013

a message from The Star Elders channeled by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in

Well… brief messages from the Star Elders are coming through daily as reality begins to anchor, get clearer and things are shifting at greater speeds. It is becoming a moment by moment experience. So if you don't mind, I am just going to keep sending these little bits out to you. If it is too much, and we get annoying, just hit delete. : ) Aluna Joy

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in
a message from The Star Elders channeled by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in
Friday, 26 April, 2013
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Message #1
The huge waves of unsettledness you are feeling are pulses of energy from your new world. These pulses are adapting you to a new influx of life force and energy. They are fine tuning your divine vessel. Soon these energy pulses will cease and will be no longer needed. By this time, you will be like Zen Masters. Then it will be impossible for any disjointed or fragmented energy to be able to unhinge or unbalance you in any way. This is our way to help you get used to the new frequencies that are coming to you now. To BE in this new emerging world you must also be masters of your emotions and consciousness. ~ The Star Elders

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