
Monday, January 6, 2025

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective January 2025 Ascension Update : During the Planetary phase from January 1st - 11th,


To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

January 2025 Ascension Update : During the Planetary phase from January 1st - 11th, a powerful cosmic energy shift is occurring creating a highly charged planetary atmosphere activating higher frequencies, infinite potential for transformational and elevated experiences.

The Ascending are anticipating the arrival of out-of-the-blue experiences , serendipitous occurrences , conscious revelations of exciting opportunities ahead , spontaneous bursts and influxes of positivity . Long awaited blessings are now coming into the lives of many ascending . Expecting the emergence of solutions to any previous concerns .

The cosmic forces at play are aligning the ascending to enhance and strengthen meaningful and vibrationally aligned relationships , reality changes occur this year this will create and bring in a stronger sense of peace , balance and harmony into more aspects of life. Trusting in perfect timing , stepping into an entirely new chapter, one filled with divine birth right blessings.

25 Jonuory 2025, a dote humanity will remember as oll 7 plonets of our Solar System will be aligned and visible in our skies : On January 2025 all Planets will align, when planets align their combined gravitational force ripples across the cosmos , ancient astrologist knew that planetary alignment amplify our energies opening portals for manifestation, creativity and transformation.

We can think of it like cosmic Wi-Fi. When the planets lineup the signal to the universe is amplified and much stronger. What you think feel and say during this alignment can determine the trajectory of the entire year, January 2025 planetary energies will be intensifying, recalibrating and aligning new earth energies.

When Earth reaches the higher frequency levels of the fifth dimension, humanity will undergo a radical and profound transformation. Ascending Individuals will unlock innate, multi-sensory talents never witnessed in Earth's ascension past.This evolution will propel human consciousness and existence to new levels, marking a significant leap forward in our human collective evolution.

The Ascending progress by continuing to work on developing self love, shedding thoughts of the past, evolving more into Love. This process changes the way the brain works, stabilising serotonin , cortisol and dopamine levels , etc the ascending begin activating existing and dormant DNA. They activate into the rememberance of universal knowledge , receiving in divine order, raising the human energetic vibrations, joining frequencies with cosmic forces .

The Ascending are worthy of all their desires , and are already on the way to them , they are inviting genuine based love into life creating a life based in truth , not in perfection but in authenticity, collectively creating divine wholeness into life , the ascending are looking at everything thing in the world differently , from a higher consciousness perspective, ascending life in new Earth is full of unlimited potential , Creative possibilities are limitless , Life is an endless source of inspiration in new earth conscious living .

For many in the collective ascending 2025 will bring in respite and recovery energy after having fast tracked years of ascension work and transformation all in a short amount of time.

This has taken its toll on the physical and emotional body , this rest phase is an ascension point for repairing , stabilising , recalibrating the auric field , this is the realignment to self’s original path’s energy focus .

In truth this human transition into higher self connection can feel uncomfortable at times this is because it is deeply based and rooted in false indoctrination , stemming over many life expressions and experiences, this deeply embedded stored internal belief system had to first be dismantled , replaced and reconstructed for transformation in human form to take place .

False beliefs are the core structures that are creating the internal resistance within . Stripping every false layer in self , as the ascending collective knows there are no ascension short cuts in any realm of existence of creation . The internal work in removing false beliefs within must be performed and eventually completed.

The importance on truthful assessment and self focus will highlight in self’s conscious awareness , this takes place in multiple complex levels and layers , just when you think you can’t possibly awaken to more , you do , this offsets the physical stored belief to reveal its stored location in the body , it will express it self , to release , heal and recalibrate , most awakenings into duality will have a physical reaction and effect temporarily , the physical acts as a conduit releasing the internal false beliefs energy .

The incoming New Earth energies are infiltrating unprecedented levels of intensity and limitless potential and possibilities. The year 2025 is going to revolutionise our planetary energy, initiating a profound and transitional reset for humanity.

A distinctive shift in consciousness is catalysed by energetic quantum leaps, this will propel the planet towards ascension with a sustainable and transformational impact. This journey in the 9 universal year of 2025 will focus on completions, commitments, restructures and surrender, the integration of light codes and continuous upgrades .

This January gateway opening is bringing in abrupt new beginnings, experiencing divine intervention at play , changes occurring at this time will be significant promoting life-altering changes. The Ascending are preparing for New Earth expected opportunities , experiencing many changes within , conscious new developments , higher self merging , connecting with self at a deeper Soul level.

In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service

By Ascension LightWorkers ©️

I will not wish you a happy new year because the year does not end today. Our calendar is not quite right.


I will not wish yo

u a happy new year because the year does not end today.

Our calendar is not quite right. We are supposed to have 13 months of 28 days with one day, the day of resurrection, Easter, as a neutral day. That would be your 365 days.

We have 13 constellations, not 12. We have 13 moon cycles, with each lunar cycle spanning ~28 days. As is the menstruation cycle. Nature is consistent. Nature is mathematical.

One month was subtracted out of our calendars in order to sever the connection between the people and the sun, moon and stars – which together formed our ancient clock.

Our ancestors used to call North America "Turtle Island" because of its shape, aligned with a turtle's shell split up into 13 segments each representing a moon cycle, encircled by a rim of 28 days for the days per cycle.

Sept means 7. It is not, nor has ever been, the ninth month. Oct means 8. Nov means 9, and Dec means 10.

Jan is 11. Feb is 12. March is 13.

April is our first month.

April 1 is Easter.

April 1 is our first day of the year, made into a joke.

The only joke had ever been us, slumbering through an illusion without ever questioning it – the way so many others still do.

Our clock is the apple that has been bitten into.

It is missing time.

Our year does not begin in the midst of harsh, cold winter days that darken in the afternoon. Our year begins in the spring, when the flowers start to bloom, when the grass begins to grow, when trees begin to leaf and babies are born.

Our cycle begins and corresponds with resurrection.

The first day of our year is our neutral day.

Day one.

That commences April 1, at midnight.

As day dawns, we rest and celebrate the resurrection, the new beginning, the beginning of Christ.

April is month one.

There are 4 weeks in a month.

The first of every month is always a Sunday. Rishon, in Hebrew (ראשון), literally translates to first. The last of every week is the Sabbath, the day of rest.

The only reason the first of April often does not match up with a Sunday is because the Gregorian calendar has derailed us even farther out of sync.

The Gregorian calendar is SMU.

Shit Made Up by man.

It keeps us out of our natural cycles.

Before 45BC, the year was counted by 369 days. As it should be.

369 days split up to 13 months of ~28 days (28.38), in accordance with the ovulation and lunar cycles.

Once you adjust our years from 45BC onward to 369 days rather 365, you will find that we are now theoretically living in the year 2,040; and September 11, 2001 was, in fact, March 25, 2018 – amidst the Season of Sacrifice – which was a daylight savings day and, more importantly, Palm Sunday.

Theoretically the year 2,040, because more than a thousand years of fake history have been implanted into our timeline.

You see, the Dark Ages are called that because they never saw the light of day.

The parasites subtracted one month and jumbled our order so to sever our connection with the sun, moon and stars.

Together, as foretold in Genesis, they had comprised our ancient clock.

That same clock is apparent on the shell of the turtle, divided onto the months of the year and encircled by the days.

Nature is consistent. Nature is mathematical.

Our keeping aligned with nature aligns our natural functions.

We all vibrate at one of three frequencies.

432 hertz is the God frequency. That is the Celestial frequency.

Then we have a Telestial frequency and a Terrestrial frequency.

That is why when people are true we can feel it. We can sense it. We know that it's right. We do not even have to research it. We know it. We can feel it. We feel it in our bodies. We feel it in our spirits and our souls and we know what is right.

528 hertz is the love vibration, or the DNA-healing vibration.

Our three frequencies are 528 and 633 and 432.

So it depends on whether you are Celestial, Telestial or Terrestrial.

5G runs at 60. Our clocks, 60. Our electricity, 60.

We have been run under a Satanic frequency.

Churches teach you of three degrees of heaven, but it is really our three frequencies.

Our souls are energy.

Our energy holds our minerals together, which are our bodies. Our bodies are essentially the dust of the Earth held together by energy. By our souls.

So anyway, in three months' time, on March 31, I will wish you a Happy New Year.

In the meantime, as I would on every ordinary day [because no day is ever ordinary,] I will wish you a life with eyes wide open, a greater understanding of our realm, comfort in truth, a strengthened connection to the divine, courage and surrender rather than fear, the backbone to never bow before another man, Goliathan triumphs and sea-splitting miracles, unlocked shakras and synchronicities to guide your way; fruitful manifestations and grace; and a blessed, healthy, secure and purposeful life filled with more love than any soul could hold.

The Rainbow Body of your I AM Presence Approximately 15 feet above your head are spheres of rainbow spiritual light,


The Rainbow Body of your I AM Presence

Approximately 15 feet above your head are spheres of rainbow spiritual light, from where your higher self radiates divine energies. These spheres of concentric light form your causal body, or divine “treasure house.” They have been seen by saints, yogis, clairvoyants and people who have had near-death experiences.

The spheres of your causal body contain all of the divine attainment that your soul has anchored in your earthly journey, lifetime after lifetime. Each time you—or one of your past life personalities—had a benevolent thought, a loving feeling, a right motive or a constructive action, that energy ascended into your causal body within twenty-four hours, adding to the light that was already there. Once we become aware of these energies of our causal body, we can call upon them. It’s like having a cosmic bank account of divine energy that we can draw upon for right action.

The causal body is like a pearl, where layer upon layer, of the spheres of consciousness surround the I AM Presence in the center.

Our causal body has seven outer rings, or energy spheres. These seven energy spheres are seven rays, or emanations of God. They hold a vibration and release a particular divine quality that corresponds to the seven major musical notes. There are also five secret rays and inner spheres that correspond to the five minor musical notes.

The Mighty I AM Presence is the highest spiritual level of your being. In this level of divine awareness abides the Angel of the Presence. You can commune with the Angel of the Presence who resides in these spheres of buddhic awareness. This is God/Creator, personified for you at the buddhic level. People who have reached and embodied this level of awareness are buddhas.

From this level of being, God/Creator, created a divine mediator for you, your own Holy Christ Self. This divine mediator resides in the Christ plane of consciousness and intercedes on behalf of your soul, loving you, watching out for youband compelling you to rise in consciousness so you can balance your karma and ascend back to the heart of the I AM THAT I AM. Those who unite in consciousness with your Holy Christ Self become brides of Christ, and then Christed ones.

Beloved, now are we, the sons of God/Creator, and it does not yet appear what we shall be. But we know that when He shall appear we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.

–1 John 3:2

Spheres of the Causal Body

Each ring on our causal body is expressed through the powers or life force that form our tree of life, as described in the Kabbalah. The ten powers or life force are the fruits of God's consciousness on the branches of our tree of life. Through the ten powers/life force, we lower the unformed Ein Sof—the divine source which is beyond the mighty Tree of Life, beyond the causal body— into the formed, into manifestation. The divine energy that makes up each ring of our causal body also flows through our chakras—the energy centers in our body, releasing that divine quality into our day-to-day life as we are able to sustain it.

White—The white sphere of our causal body contains the energies of purity, discipline, joy and divine geometry. This sphere relates to our base-of-the-spine chakra, and it is expressed through the sefirah of Keter in Kabbalah's Tree of Life.

Yellow—The yellow sphere of our causal body contains the energies of wisdom and Christ-illumined action. This sphere relates to our crown chakra and is expressed through the sefirot of Hokhmah and Binah.

Pink—The pink sphere of our causal body contains the energies of love, beauty and creativity. This sphere relates to our heart chakra and is expressed through the sefirot of Hesed and Gevurah Din.

Violet—The violet sphere of our causal body contains the energies of freedom. forgiveness, divine ritual and spiritual transmutation. This sphere relates to our seat-of-the-soul chakra and is expressed through the life force of Tiferet.

Purple and Gold—The purple and gold sphere of our causal body contains the energies of service, ministration and divine justice. This sphere relates to our solar plexus chakra and is expressed through the life foce of Netzah and Hod.

Green—The green sphere of our causal body contains the energies of truth, healing, music, abundance and divine science. This sphere relates to our third-eye chakra and is expressed through the life force of Yesod.

Blue—The blue sphere of our causal body contains the energies of faith, protection, good will and divine power. This sphere relates to our throat chakra and is expressed through the life force of Malkhut.

Five Secret Rays—The five secret rays are the divine pastels that anchor subtle energies in the secondary heart chakra—the secret chamber of the heart—as well as through the minor chakras on our hands, feet and spleen. The secret rays abide between the white and yellow spheres of the causal body and are expressed through the quasi-life force Da'at.