
Friday, December 9, 2022

BOOK OF PLEIADIANS FOR 12.12 to 21.12 ✨ We are the PLEIAD Council. ✨


✨ We are the PLEIAD Council.
✨ We enjoy communicating with all of you.
✨ 👽We have a wide range of views to have at the same time because we are a collective and we are able to perceive more EVENTS than we can ever count at once...
✨ 🌟💥 ⚡ On December 12-21, new vibrational light from the Central Sun will shine on Earth and the entire kingdom will be infused with cosmic particles that will immediately update DNA to a HIGHER order...
✨ 🌟💫💥At that time, the first remarkable changes in Evolutionary Consciousness will happen for the first time among the beings already reverberating near the 5th Dimension...
✨ 👼🌟💥The beings that resonate with the 3rd and 4th dimensions will follow later because they are ready with their vibrations to make that leap into Consciousness...
✨ His main work and goal should be to help create a new world where Peace, Freedom, Health, Love, and Abundance can live for all...
✨ Long ago, you brave souls agreed to play a unique role on planet Earth.
✨ You who bravely responded to this call are embodied in all races, colors, cultures, and beliefs...
✨ You have spread all over this specially created planet in preparation for this predetermined COSMICAL EVENT, THE MASSIVE ASCENSION of humanity and earth...
✨ Many of you realize your origin and potential as carriers of Cosmic Light...
✨ It is vital that you listen to the increasing frequencies of your Essence and the reminder of who you are, for it accelerates the ascension process and helps you to reach the state of concentration and mastery and fulfill your promise. is a light on the way for all...
✨ Don't forget that it is possible to reach this level of vibration while remaining calm so that the mental and emotional body are as balanced and harmonious as possible so that the light is needed for all humanity...
✨ A great crowd of Starseeds is NOW HERE on Earth to support and assist in this process.
✨ Each of you has an important role to play in the process of accelerated evolution that is NOW LOOKING IN.
✨ We told them that the time would come when an important phase of the Divine Plan would reach a critical point.
✨ 👼💫🌟His consciousness pendulum should no longer swing drastically from positive frequencies to negative mental/emotional nature but should stabilize and focus on his HEART...
🌟Breathe consciously,
🌟go into nature,
🌟 stroke your pets,
🌟drink pure water,
🌟play with your children/grandchildren/friends
do all those things that raise your underlying vibration to hold onto your energy signature...
✨ 👽We will be with you as we move forward into a new bright future by joining forces with the Galactic Families, Light Guides, all the Star Seeds, and the great Form Builders.
✨ All in preparation for the completion of the glorious NEW ERA...
✨ Be calm and serene so that your vibes of peace and love reach your earthly brothers too.
✨ We are with you, we envelop you with our aura of love, we love you and bless you with the Divine Light of God Father / Mother...
✨ 🚨💫👉The time has come to move on and also receive more from each other.
✨ 👽We ARE the PLEIAD Council, and we have enjoyed contacting you."


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