
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Creator Structure Awakening


PAO Updates Mad Mimi 1

Help Us Keep the PAO Ship Aloft

Throughout the last year, the PAO has been among scores of truth emissaries targeted for censorship by many social media and e-mail platforms. The unhappy result is that our newsletters now reach far fewer people, and Webinar attendance is in serious decline. It seems clear to us that the dark forces at work in the world today are bent on keeping truth reports from reaching you, our faithful listeners.

You often tell us that you thirst for the unique kind of information we provide. But now, delighted though we are to provide it, we need your help. More than ever in these stormy times, we are struggling to keep the PAO ship aloft. Colleen’s unwavering focus on caring for Sheldan leaves her little energy or time to devote to the quality programming that you, PAO’s loyal followers, so richly deserve.

Nonetheless, she and her team will never stop seeking out engaging and insightful Webinar guests who will invigorate you, mind and spirit. As a regular, you know that your chair is always ready!

Please spread the word: tell your friends about our monthly Live Activational Webinars.
The next one is on October 24 with special guest Jared Rand. Watch for it!

We deeply appreciate your purchase of PAO’s activational materials (Webinar archives, books, and downloadable dvds):

And please, donate whatever you can spare to our cause:

Peace and Blessings,

PAO Team


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

Mail Attachment 2

We are in the midst of a modern-day, epochal shift. What is at stake is no less than humanity’s future.

Our world is at war. This time, its weapons are not bombs, but thoughts and words. All levels of society – continents, countries, communities, friends and families – are being split. In these times, truth is a many-headed Hydra: elusive at the best of times and, right now, downright confusing.

For a different, wider view, PAO turns again to Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith, whose messages and common-sense advice from the Pleiadians bring comfort, clarity and the Galactic perspective of humanity’s present and future.

This is one Webinar you won’t want to miss!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Pia and Cullen's Mission
• The Great Split and How It Is Helping Evolution
• Why Humanity Is In Its Current Position
• Strengthening the Immune System
• Best Tactics for Keeping Our Vibration High
• Pleiadian Perspective on Humanity's Future

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-42 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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BREAKING: The Lake County Republican Party just passed a Resolution DEMANDING a full forensic statewide audit of the November 3, 2020 election in Florida, and in all 50 States Flag of United States #ElectionIntegrity

Christ Consciousness Activation


Christ Consciousness Activation
I invoke and ask for the appropriate removal and the dissolving of all veils and illusions that I may be holding onto connected to my full expression and experience of my sacred Love and the Christ Consciousness.
I invoke all levels of the Christ Consciousness appropriate for me to receive to flow throughout my being, to anchor into my being and to synthesis with my entire being creating and activating a greater wealth of love and Christ consciousness within my being and physical manifestation.
I invoke the creative and expressive energies of the Christ consciousness as well as the Ascended Masters and Angelic Beings whose purpose is to aid the expression and further manifestation of the Christ consciousness. I ask you to support my entire being as I commit myself to be a transmitter, expression and creative communicator of the Christ consciousness available and embodied within my being.
I invoke the further anchoring of the sacred vibrations and consciousness of the Christ light present within my soul, soul group and the Creator Ishvara to appropriately merge with my entire being, radiating as truth and love from and through my physical form.
I invoke the opening, cleansing and healing of all my chakra systems and the anchoring of the Christ consciousness, overseen by Lord Melchizedek.
I invoke the appropriate complete healing of all disharmony within my physical being, emotional being and mental being by the Christ Consciousness light of my soul.
I invoke the Christ Consciousness Rose of Creation to anchor into my heart chakra, healing, rejuvenating and magnifying the sacred vibration, expression and expansion of my heart chakra and core love. May my heart chakra hold and anchor the Christ Consciousness core vibrations of Creation present within the universe of the Creator Ishvara.
I invoke, receive and experience appropriately the balancing of my masculine and feminine vibrations, consciousness, thoughts, emotions and abilities. I gratefully receive a heightened boost of the masculine and feminine vibrations of the Christ consciousness to promote healing within my being and reality.
I invoke the appropriate merging and synthesis with my entire being of all Christed Ascended Masters.
I invoke the appropriate merging and synthesis with my entire being of all Christed Archangels and Angels.
I invoke the appropriate merging and synthesis with my entire being of all Christed Beings who have lead by example upon the Earth. I invoke Master Jesus, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Grandmother Anna, Joseph, Joseph of Arimathea, Quan Yin, Pallas Athena, Saint Germain, Lady Portia, Master El Morya, Master Serapis Bey, Master Hilarion, Master Joshua, Master Paul, Master Djwhal Khul, Master Kuthumi, Master Sai Baba, Master Lanto, Lord Maitreya, Lord Buddha and all who have not been named today. Support me in sharing the Christ Consciousness through example in my own reality upon the Earth. Let me love, support, guide, forgive, heal, awaken, bring peace and joy as well as inspire, guided and supported myself by the Christ Consciousness.
I invoke for further anchoring into my entire being, the highest level of the Christ Planetary Core Heart vibrations, light, love and consciousness available to me, overseen by Lord Buddha.
I invoke for further anchoring into my entire being, the highest level of the Christ Solar Core Heart vibrations, light, love and consciousness available to me, overseen by Helios and Vesta.
I invoke for further anchoring into my entire being, the highest level of the Christ Galactic Core Heart vibrations, light, love and consciousness available to me, overseen by Melchior.
I invoke for further anchoring into my entire being, the highest level of the Christ Universal Core Heart vibrations, light, love and consciousness available to me, overseen by Lord Melchizedek.
I invoke for further anchoring into my entire being, the highest level of the Christ Multi-Universal Core Heart vibrations, light, love and consciousness available to me, overseen by Lord Archangel Metatron.
I invoke for further anchoring into my entire being, the highest level of the Christ Cosmic Core Heart vibrations, light, love and consciousness available to me, overseen by Mahatma.
I invoke for further anchoring into my entire being, the highest level of the Christ Creator Core Heart vibrations, light, love and consciousness available to me, overseen by the Source of All That Is, the Creator.
I invoke a positive and fulfilling overall boost for my Ascension Process and Christ initiations guided and support by my Soul, Lord Melchizedek and Master Jesus.
I invoke the synthesis of the appropriate vibrations of the Christ consciousness to merge with the New Era of Love thus promoting the healing, awakening, fulfilment and ascension of all beings upon the Earth and Mother Earth herself.
Thank you.
Christ Consciousness Activation
Channelled Through Natalie Glasson ~

GFL Ascension Status Update...+


Galactic Heart New Pink Banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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Sunday's webinar did not disappoint. A plethora of information was shared. Feedback was all positive. Pia and Cullen's websites contain a lot of valuable information. Especially look at the Laarkmaa website under "Services" and "Articles & Interviews". They offer free information from how to support your immune systems to a list of alternative news links. Check it out here:

If you did not have a chance to join PAO's live webinar, today you have the opportunity to purchase the replay.

Blessings of Love sent your way,


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

Mail Attachment 2

We are in the midst of a modern-day, epochal shift. What is at stake is no less than humanity’s future.

Our world is at war. This time, its weapons are not bombs, but thoughts and words. All levels of society – continents, countries, communities, friends and families – are being split. In these times, truth is a many-headed Hydra: elusive at the best of times and, right now, downright confusing.

For a different, wider view, PAO turns again to Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith, whose messages and common-sense advice from the Pleiadians bring comfort, clarity and the Galactic perspective of humanity’s present and future.

This is one Webinar you won’t want to miss!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Pia and Cullen's Mission
• The Great Split and How It Is Helping Evolution
• Why Humanity Is In Its Current Position
• Strengthening the Immune System
• Best Tactics for Keeping Our Vibration High
• Pleiadian Perspective on Humanity's Future

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-42 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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GFL Ascension Status Update

Source: EldoRa and Siman

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Mail Attachment 2

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Daily changes

Source: Mike Quinsy on Eraoflight

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Dear friends In a time of great changes many of the Kryon messages gave information that is new to us but relevant now. The extract below is indicating a major upliftment in the consciousness levels of some of those souls being born now. They will already have an advanced level of consciousness, and able to express themselves intelligently at a much younger age than you would consider normal.

Mike Quinsey.

You can examine your own body while you exist and are here. The muscle test – kinesiology – will find out something that you ought to know. You have to access Innate completely and totally separately. The multi-dimensional Human Being is going to use that for the 24th pair of chromosomes that you think you don’t have, that is multi-dimensional and it is not yet understood, seen or recognised.

It is the one the Pleiadians gave you for today because it starts to work in you and generation after generation. When consciousness starts to increase you start to see things and you start to see quantum things, it will reveal itself in the double helix. [sic]

The new born will be born with Innate, their own healer. They will know all about their blood chemistry without a test. They will know when any disease tries to attach to them instantly the moment it happens, instead of waiting for something to grow and have pain.

They will be their own medical intuitive. That multi-dimensional piece of your DNA that you can’t even see is going to bring your consciousness in line with your Innate. What is your Innate attached to, that is also a mystery that you cannot easily access and it is called the Akash of the Human Being.

You are going to be connected to your Akash, it will be one of the most significant evolutionary steps of humanity, the marriage of the Akash and the Innate and consciousness, That will be the multi-dimensional Human Being and when it takes place you will then look at the fact that you might have come from the Pleiades, and you will know who they are and you will understand as it’s all part of the scenario of the connection of coherence with your brothers and sisters from the stars. That is the future. Do not fear these things because they come from you.


24th September 2021. Mike Quinsey.

Almost on a daily basis changes are coming and going but not always to your liking. Now the dust is settling, the time has arrived for a reckoning to take place. You cannot go through so many changes without some repercussions that are happening worldwide.

The effect of the Covid19 virus has, so to say, turned things upside down, and now the time has arrived for the cost of it to be taken into account. Coming on top of other problems that have since arisen, the cost to mankind is being assessed. It is clear that all countries will have serious decisions to make as to how the Pandemic will be paid for in times when everyone is feeling the squeeze.

Very few of the economies can recover without financial help and hard times ahead are expected and unavoidable. The only consolation you will have is that it constitutes a new beginning, as much that you are familiar with is no longer suitable for the times that you will be in.

You have hard times ahead but eventually all will lift up, and with the benefit of new technologies life will become much easier and more enjoyable. So bear with it as you only get out what you have put into it and the effort will prove to have been well worthwhile as you will see.

Look to your young people for an insight as to what is possible, as they have arrived with new ways and ideas that will advance progress. Listen to their views and opinions as they will contain a lot of common sense. They came into life knowing that their knowledge and experience was needed.

It is a normal upliftment that has been prepared for in advance. How you may ask, and the answer is that higher Beings have far more insight as to what is coming up and can prepare for it well beforehand. They also have the experience behind them on which to base the nature of action necessary.

You could say that you have a foot in each of two worlds, one that is the old world that has served its purpose and will fade away, and a new one that is in pristine condition and prepared ready for those souls who will have raised their vibrations to a higher level that excludes the dark Ones.

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You talk of dimensions but in actual fact the energies simply meld into each other. However, a new Earth will be home to those who ascend and it will be well deserved, as you will have dedicated yourself to lifting up your vibrations and been successful in spite of the attempts of the dark Ones to prevent it.

Much of what you are being given remains a mystery until you acquire a greater level of consciousness as will happen when you have ascended. However, your awakening will grow as you rise up and your vibrations increase.

What was hidden can now be revealed and from time to time you will be enlightened as you are now ready for a greater understanding. Looking back you will wonder how you ever got out of the illusory lives you have led where the truth was kept from you, but you are worthy of your success and it will never be as hard and difficult for you again.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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