
Sunday, January 31, 2021



January 30, 2021
I am Mira, working full time on behalf of humanity. Our technologies are quite advanced which will be beneficial for your world systems in many ways. The AI web has been manipulated against humanity. Humanity is to be returned unto itself so that war and division are no longer the norm.
I am Mira. I serve in my fullest capacity. We are aware of the challenges that many of you are facing in this now. Know that we are working full time. The dark does not give up its prize easily, but this does not matter for the light is transmuting, always in the process of transmuting it. You have been busy transmuting on multidimensional points, as many realities converge to heighten and hone the energies. Gaia is being cleansed of the darkness that has permeated. This is a multidimensional war involving energies from this universe. It is no easy fight but Creator has decreed that the light has won and so it will. And so it has. It is not apparent yet upon your physical reality that you are temporarily immersed within as you are awake. It is apparent when you are in the higher dimensional realms when you sleep or when you meditate. We encourage you to tap into the vast network of Pleiadian healing energies that we are streaming through your skies, your ionosphere to assist with transmuting the AI web of lower dimensional control frequencies. We encourage you to breathe fresh air and to feel the sun on your face and to ground to your planetary mother, who is full of joy and healing frequencies for you.
I am Mira. I offer to you today encouragement that you can keep going, and you will, for we need you to and you are more than well qualified. And hope because it is written in the stars and on the spoken breath of Creator that this victory is for the light. Our Pleiadian technology, our love, our hearts are ever in service to the ascending ones of humanity, and to healing Gaia. It is with the greatest of joys that I send you this message of love and light today. I am Mira.
Via Galaxygirl







US Under Military Law, Congress Arrested, War With CCP Won and No One Knows It

US Under Military Law, Congress Arrested, War With CCP Won and No One Knows It | Politics | Before It's News

US Under Military Law, Congress Arrested, War With CCP Won and No One Knows It | Politics | Before It's News
The US was under Martial Law, many in Congress have been arrested for treason, a war with the Chinese Communist Party has ended, the US was about to be restored to elements of the original Constitution and no one even knows about it...

US National Guard Commander General Dunford ordered 35000 National Guard members to.....


US National Guard Commander General Dunford ordered 35000 National Guard members to be deployed to Florida March 3.

Commander of US Army General Charles Flynn calls for troop deployment throughout Florida March 3.

US Secretary of Defense General Michael Flynn approved the deployment of Pentagon helicopters and tanks March 3 in Florida.

March 5: Traitors will be executed in the White House in Washington, D.C.




Each day I see Victory thru the smoke & rubble. It is as if Trump ordered pizza & ate WWIII
and We All helped him and Everyone of this Planet, Galaxy & Universe & Far Beyond.
A Totally New Reality is Emerging in This Lighthat even the gods will come & Share GJ
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

January 29, 2021
Interviewer [Kare Heywood]: We wonder if you wouldn’t mind talking to whatever it is that you feel that our audience would benefit from today for the newsletter?
Blue Avians [channeled through Kate Woodley]: Thank you. Yes, we have a message, thank you. This is still Eir Ar and Aira (Blue Avians) and Avalon and we are joined by a few key delegates from the Galactic Federation of Light. These are delegates who monitor and assess the frequency of the human collective and they have the ability to tune into any disturbances in this field.
What is of a huge disturbance at this time is that so many individuals are focusing on particular processes, on specific predictions that are very detailed and that are anchored in politics, and that are focused on high-ranking, high-powered individuals and the role that they have to play on Earth. It is very, very important that we take this opportunity to remind humanity not to hang their hopes, nor their personal Ascension journey, on specific occurrences and the unfolding of specific events that lies outside of themselves. They cannot control what happens to a specific individual whether they are of the light or not, when it will occur, or how things will unfold.
Focus Inwardly
What they need to do is to re-attune and focus on themselves. For it is the internal spiritual journey that will set you all free. Freedom must be found and unlocked at an individual level. It cannot be expected from situations that lie outside of any one individual. Once again, by focusing on these specific events, how and when they will unfold and specific outcomes, you are handing over your power. But you have all the power you need within you.
Do not focus on specific predictions. But focus on your own journey, which at this time for so many of you as you are in different stages of your own respective awakenings, for some of you the journey is about letting go of patterns, memories, and experiences that have kept your frequency and your emotions low and down. This is about breaking through and breaking free from what has for too long held you down.
What has held you down varies from one individual to the next. It is up to each of you to identify those chains and break free from them. As you awaken, you are also learning to access many innate abilities – abilities that all humans have but some of you, many of you, have very acute abilities that are in development or waiting to be discovered and developed. You must focus on your contribution to the world as opposed to the world’s contribution to you and your life. Do not allow your journey to be dictated by external circumstances and situations. And more importantly, if things don’t occur or unfold as you so desired, do not allow it to lower your vibration. For by doing so, you hand over your power to something or someone and to forces that do not serve you. You know those forces of which we speak of. They are those who are not of the light. They are those who wish to keep you down in a vibration of fear, helplessness, powerlessness, anger and frustration which so many of you have succumbed to.
There are Many Roads to Ascension
We understand that many of you had hoped for specific outcomes at this point in time. We will take this opportunity to remind you all of the importance of focusing inwardly at this time.
For the key to freedom is by learning to free yourselves before you can free others, and it is no one else who is going to come and free you until you learn to do this for yourself. You are all sovereign. You must rely less on the powers that be – that you have granted and attributed so much power to – and realize that you have all the power within yourselves.
So, you must let go of set expectations and detachments and trust that there are many, many different ways to ascension. It will be experienced differently from one person to the next. Do not worry about how humanity is getting to ascension. You will get there. It is already unfolding. It is written. But like many journeys, there are a number of different routes to which you can get there. And so perhaps route ‘A’ did not pan out as you had hoped. But there are a number of many other equally wonderful and hopeful routes that you must now shift your focus towards.
Rely on Yourself & Not on Predictions
And so again, this is about taking back your freedom, your power, doing your inner work, relying more on yourself and less on circumstances outside of yourselves. Focus less on specific predictions for they can be wrong and they change from day to day.
You must understand this. As many before us have said, this is a multi-dimensional chess game. And as such, it is very difficult for any one person or a number of higher-dimensional Beings to predict exactly how it will play out. What you must focus on is that we, the forces of the light, win the chess game. Do not focus on the next move or the next two moves. Focus where you stand at a spiritual level on the chessboard.
And do not allow yourselves to be distracted, and more importantly, for your vibration to be lowered. For there is much that you have to look forward to individually and collectively. You are on the path to ascension, you will not be derailed. We, your Beings who are of the light, who love you, who are guiding and assisting you in so many more ways than you understand, we will not let you down. We will not turn our backs. We are here to help you individually and collectively. But you must trust us. But you must trust yourselves first. And so this is about trusting that all is unfolding in accordance with the plan of the light.
Do not allow yourselves to be discouraged. For we are winning. We have won. How it will play out is still to be determined. But keep your eyes on the prize as you all like to say. We hope that this message brings you much reassurance, much hope, and much peace.
Interviewer [Kare Heywood]: Beautiful words of encouragement and much, much needed during this time. Thank you very, very much.
Blue Avians [channeled through Kate Woodley]: We will simply in closing say that we understand there are many in the lightworker community who are disheartened and discouraged. This is a temporary feeling. We encourage you not to dwell there, to pick yourselves up, to remember that you are all ascending and this is a journey of ups and downs, temporary ebbs and flows. The outcome is grand – and we are here to remind you of that. Remain hopeful, keep the peace. Do not focus on what you feel is a downfall. For there are many, many bright turns just around the corner.
So remain hopeful and focus on the big picture. Do not get lost in the weeds. We love you and we stand with you.

The Truth of the Earth by Mother Separation


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Greetings from The PAO Team,

Recently, the PAO has been dealt another blow, becoming one of many truth messengers targeted for censorship by certain e-mail and social media platforms. As a result, our newsletters are reaching far fewer people and our Webinar attendance has significantly declined. Clearly, the dark forces do not want messages of truth to reach you, our listeners.

We are struggling to uphold the PAO ship. Colleen’s commitment to seeing Sheldan through his recovery has left her with little time to devote the kind of energy that PAO needs and deserves. Nevertheless, she and the PAO team persevere in seeking out intelligent, inspirational Webinar guests who share our dedication to inform and activate you.

Without deep financial pockets, we rely on your feedback and generous support. You, our loyal Lightworkers, keep us going, spiritually and financially.

Please spread the word: tell your friends about us and our monthly Live Activational Webinars:

Purchase PAO’s products (archives, books, and downloadable dvds):

And donate whatever you can spare to our cause:

Peace and Blessings,

PAO Team


Hi PAO, The Webinar presentation by Mona was clear and well-explained, often with humor. I enjoyed our resident Sharman, with quite a unique delivery. It was an aspect worth hearing anew, and with her own fascinating additional explanations, plus some very serious points made to suit today's world. RO

Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

If you were unable to register for PAO’s LIve Galactic Activation Webinar, hosted by Colleen and Miles, on Sunday, January 24, it is now available for downloading.

Right now, an all-out war between the forces of light and dark is being waged on this planet. Some are calling it “The Great Awakening”. It is a world-wide war being carried out against our global family. It is a desperate war, and the stakes for us all are the highest imaginable. It has been a prolonged war, but the pitched battles of pandemic and propaganda of the last few months are the fiercest we’ve yet seen. Physically, mentally and emotionally, it is taking its toll on the watchers, no matter what side we are on. Many of us are feeling the ‘wounds’ of depression, lowered immunity and chronic, depleting exhaustion.


Enter Mona Delfino, who returns as this month’s PAO guest. A world-acclaimed Practitioner of Energy Medicine, a teacher, leader and healer, and a born Shaman, Mona arrives to dispense wisdom and comfort custom-made for these most difficult times. By practicing energetic healing at its deepest level, Mona helps liberate us, body, mind, and soul, freeing us to resume our real lives and the positive, peaceful journey ahead.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Mona's Mission
• Frequency Shifts - Raising Our 3D awareness
Coming to grips with Heightened Vibrational Intensity
• Our World in Chaos - Shining a light on the Dark
Taking Our Power Back
• You Are the Medicine Within
Ways for us to energetically self-heal
• 2021 A New Year, A New You
What's in store for humanity in 2021

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-35 Archive:Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Ascension Gift 4: The Truth of the Earth by Mother Earth

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Sacred School of OmNa

2021-01-28 22-48-59

Greetings, I am Mother Earth, I come forth with the deepest of love and blessings. I am greatly honoured to be in your presence and humbled to be of service as a source, an expression and to guide the Earth and all beings. It is such a beautiful ascension process we are all embarking upon now. I know many of you may see the chaos, the turmoil, the upheaval that may be present on the Earth. I see the beauty, the love, the truth, and the essence of the Creator within all beings and within the Creator, as the Creator manifests in numerous forms, ways, and creations on the Earth.

I Mother Earth, wish to share with you an insight, it is an ascension gift. I am currently calling forth many beings of light to work with me at this time, I wish to share with you the Truth of the Earth Codes and Information. If you feel guided to be present with me then the Creator is guiding you and there is much for you to receive, to accept and acknowledge. I have been holding, maintaining, protecting these codes and information concerning the truth of the Earth for some time. Now, there are many upon the Earth who are ready to receive and reactivate these codes once more within their being. It is most probable that those who hear my calling also worked with me many civilisations ago. Some of the previous civilisations on the Earth were able to access the Truth of the Earth Codes and Information available, this meant they understood how to co-create with the Earth and myself, Mother Earth in harmony and balance. It also meant that they were able to understand the purpose of the Earth, why souls incarnate upon the Earth. The connection between the ascension process and the Earth, as well as understanding how to move forward in equilibrium, in harmony and truth for all beings on the Earth, and of course with myself, Mother Earth. This is why Mahatma has gifted the multi-dimensional Law of Oneness Template, it is to support my work of gifting and reactivating the Truth of the Earth.

There are many beings who wish to know why they are on the Earth, why humanity is present, what the purpose is?

Why the Ascension process is unfolding?

Many wish to know how to be of service, how to support humanity, the Earth, and all beings. These questions burn within each being on the Earth, however these questions sometimes do not bring forth the necessary creations and manifestations. It all depends on one's perspective and intentions. The beings that I am calling forth from humanity to work in harmony with me, these beings may be intrigued by what the purpose of the Earth is and how to move forward in a harmonious way. However, they have a greater desire to be of service, and to experience working with myself, Mother Earth. The knowledge, the wisdom that is activated is not essential to them.


The Truth of the Earth Codes and Information are required to begin to be activated within humanity and within the Earth because with the manifestation of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint a new clear canvas has been created. We wish to seed this clear canvas with the truth of the Earth, sharing how to move forward with Mother Earth, the Earth, humanity, and all beings harmoniously, joyously, lovingly and in peace. This is what I, Mother Earth and those who feel the calling to connect with me wish to bring forth, create and seed. A new reality, new Earth, and new Ascension.

If you feel the calling, and you will know when you do. Come to me in meditation, ask to visit Mother Earth during meditation or quiet time. I will invite you into my sacred chamber, surround you in my motherly and sacred vibrations of the Earth, you will experience the highest, purest vibration of the Earth. As you breathe this in, it will support you in understanding that there are so many dimensions of experience within the Earth and at the purest, highest vibration for all to experience.

Allow yourself to breathe in the energies that I share with you. I will then connect with you, higher heart chakra to higher heart chakra. I will begin to send light golden bubbles through a stream of light to your higher heart chakra, which you can hold within your higher heart chakra, let these bubbles just flow and rest within your higher heart chakra. They hold the Codes and Information of the Truth of the Earth. It may be that you are unable to access these at this time, and that is fine and appropriate. It may be they begin to enlighten and illuminate you or invite you to take action in certain ways in your reality or for the Earth. Gradually, allow yourself to just be present with these bubbles, to be present with the energy that is forming within your higher heart chakra and my support and love that surrounds you.

I, Mother Earth, invite you to focus upon these codes and information each day. They will gradually reveal themselves to you and fill your entire being, activating, therefore sharing insights and guidance. They will instruct you as to how to move forth in harmony with myself, Mother Earth, and all beings. Be patient, you and I have been waiting a long time for this, so be patient with the energies as they may unfold slowly, allowing you to grasp and understand that which is needed with appropriate timing.

I thank you for being present with me, for being open to receive my gift. You will notice when you are ready you begin to give these golden bubbles into the Earth, into the ground or even sharing them with another being. This will be appropriate when you feel guided.

I am here to be of service, to work with you in harmony and truth.

I, thank you,

I am Mother Earth


AA Michael ~ Healing Separation of the Physical and Spiritual Reality

Source: Awakening You

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