
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Master Saint Germain ~ Manifestation

It is through inner happiness, joy and love that you access all within as well as without you, or at least that which you experience as the without.
So Bless you for BEing in the NOW and for continously representing yourself as your SELF in every way of the momentum,
through many ways of your infinite potential...
Now I understand what’s happening thenergies & connections are so much clearer, THE ASTRO’S CLEAR NOW!!!!!!
Also last week I was told that our Abundance would Manifest March/April from a very trusted but usually quiet source.
But being able to see what was going on in the Astro & move beyond time gives you some very interesting insights as they aready
to Happen & they have & are happening with our fervent devotion these manyears & lifetimes as Thee Heart Blasts Off
ALL ELSE PALES. Can you feel it?!?! we’ve crossed the Rhine & the nutsies are being taken to deal witheir creations & We too ours.
My Friends change is within Us Bursting Forth. So Magnificentruly indescribable with every aspect of our Love & Light....
Even before the CrystaLight Chambers much will be revealed & lived, so take care of your bodies as we shine brighter
& BeighteR & BRIGHTER,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 6:08 PM
To: GalacticJack Furst
Subject: Master Saint Germain ~ Manifestation
Master Saint Germain ~ Manifestation from Méline Lafont The only reason for the delay of your creations is because of your belief it can be delayed
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Master Saint Germain ~ Manifestation

The only reason for the delay of your creations is because of your belief it can be delayed in the first place and because of your habit of always focusing upon your future present instead of the now present. You place yourself in the future now and so are you awaiting what has to come.

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Picture: Méline Lafont
Greetings, Saint Germain here.
Let us speak about manifestation.
So, how come that you are seemingly always awaiting things for you to come and to be manifested? Because you are expecting things to happen in the future rather than in the present. So you wait and you wait, focusing on and occupying your minds with the thought that it will happen in your future now. So you bring your focus to this future present in such a way that you forget to see what is there in the now and what is already unfolding in this now.
All things always linger in the now moment and being in every now moment aligns you with the greater potential of all. It also allows for all to emerge and be in this potent momentum and present itself to you as your own creation vortex. But then, you simply allow yourself to experience the delay of it because you wait for it as if it is still to come while it is already here in the now. So you delay your own creation in that sense by focusing on your timelines as if it is only there in the future.
Are you seeing the creation pattern and behavior of your human self ?! The only reason for the delay of your creations is because of your belief it can be delayed in the first place and because of your habit of always focusing upon your future present instead of the now present. You place yourself in the future now and so are you awaiting what has to come. Are you seeing how you are always placing things far away from you in a time distance which continues to stay “unreachable” so to say, for as long as you do this?! Aligning with the Now is allowing all of your creations to exist in this now. Aligning with your future is slowing down your creation to exist, just as awaiting something does for you. And you should always be and stay in this now, my friends, for only that shall bring you more of that manifestation skill. Then you will reap the fruits of this very tangibly.
You will have to understand timelines and how these function, how these were programmed into your minds and what you have made of them through your beliefs. Many different aspects to it, is it not?! Yet all are influencing the way you experience these timelines and since these are fluctuating more than what you are used to, it gives you the impression of a roller coaster shaking all timelines into the mixer. Well no remote control shall help you to find the right frequency for you. Only the lingering in the moment of Now blends with all of them and allows for you to have a taste of all of these timelines in the most balanced way possible.
It is through inner happiness, joy and love that you access all within as well as without you, or at least that which you experience as the without. So Bless you for BEing in the NOW and for continously representing yourself as your SELF in every way of the momentum, through many ways of your infinite potential. You are so loved and Blessed that is beyond all things, represent that at all times and in all ways of your ALL Beingness. That will bring you your manifestations through a blink of an eye ~ an effortless creation not by forcing it nor creating it with intent but by BEing just that in that moment opening the door of potential through all Beingness. That is THE moment of existence within all where all lies, lives and moves. That is YOUR true moment of creation and manifestation through the heart.
Living and Being from the moment within the moment.
Now graduate yourself from this Heaven and see beyond your own eyes. Look into the heart, straight into that moment of all things. Bless you for that moment, for your heart and for your Being.
I AM Saint Germain
Méline Lafont: There is a new website in the make with a few added tools and services.. much more to come later ! Thank you for your support!
Universal created gift 2012-2016. We co-create together and share with Love. All Rights to share, blog and use excerpts are permitted by Universal law provided the content is copied unaltered, is distributed freely, and the author + website is mentioned. Méline Portia Lafont


The Great Galactic Year~2012~marked the resetting of time for the Light to rise once again. Understanding how timelines are collapsing is essential to understanding our Ascension process.

Webinar archive ready for downloading from PAO.
Video Preview: Converging Timelines

Topics include...

• Significance of the Mayan Calendar
• Dark versus Light
• Why the time collapse is a boost for the Light, giving the dark no room to maneuver
• What is the significance of this time?
• How will it affect Gaia and Humanity?
• After December 21, what's next?
• Our Collapsing Timelines:
The process explained
To order Webinar #34, click HERE
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Mahala ~ Planet Alert April 2016 ..the end of the war on the astral plane ..

This equinox changed everything as far as I am concerned because it was the end of the war on the astral plane  
and that is a big deal. I experienced this final war on the dream plane and that is how I know it is over.
This war has gone on for eons of time and it has finally come to an end...
The final battle is now occurring on Earth. Everything happens on the Astral first and then it happens on Earth...
Our Victory & All it brings is now manifesting, as above so below, as the changes continue to make their Presence Known,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

Planet Alert April 2016

March was one of the most intense months I have experienced in a long time. There were two eclipses, the Spring Equinox, two comets, and Easter. This equinox changed everything as far as I am concerned because it was the end of the war on the astral plane and that is a big deal. I experienced this final war on the dream plane and that is how I know it is over. This war has gone on for eons of time and it has finally come to an end.
This means that we definitely jumped out of 4D and now we need to anchor ourselves firmly in 5D. The final battle is now occurring on Earth. Everything happens on the Astral first and then it happens on Earth. It was shortly after the Spring Equinox that Brussels was attacked by terrorists. Incidentally, the March 23rd full moon was on 3 degrees Libra. This means that the moon was exactly over Brussels at the time the attack happened.
My compassion goes out to all those people who have gone through so much suffering. The chaos on Earth will get stronger as we move through the summer unless our loving thoughts change that energy. This chaotic energy will climax in either September or October 2016. Just a couple of days ago there was another attack in Pakistan. (Mars was over Pakistan at that time).
The battle that has waged for so long has been between two factors for control of the Earth. The dark ones just lost their control from the astral plane which is part of 4D. That density is where the good, the bad, and the ugly all exist. The light has now won on that density and it is now time for victory on the Earth plane. Many of us have gone back and forth between those two densities for a long time. Now it is time to stay in 5D energy.
The Bible talks about the fierce fighting God called Jehovah in the Old Testament. That is one side of the force and the other is represented by the feminine energy of love which is represented by the people who are part of the Emerald Covenant. Two emerald comets passed by Earth on March 21 – 22. This was a message to the people who belong to the Emerald Covenant that the war is over on the astral plane. The light has won and now it is time for light to rule on earth.
In the time of Jesus (Joshua) and Mary Magdalene there was a group of people called The Sisterhood of the Emerald Fire. The word Mary means healer and Magdalene means a whole group of people. A lot of people who now live on Earth are very familiar with this group. They are the great healers of our time. If you resonate with this information you were part of that group. This group actually started at the time of Hermes (Thoth) who wrote The Emerald Tablets thousands of years ago. Two emerald green comets just activated heart chakra energy. The heart chakra is emerald green on the outside and the inside is a beautiful bright pink. It is definitely time to ‘Think with your Heart ‘and it’s time to manifest this love on Earth.
The Sisterhood of the Emerald Fire used living oils to anoint themselves and to breathe in the smell of the oils The Bible talks about how the three wise men came to visit Jesus (Joshua) with Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. It also talks about how Mary anointed Jesus with expensive oils. They also did a technique of smelling the oils which activated their pineal gland and the amygdala in the brain. Those parts of the brain control our emotions. The amygdala coordinates the autonomic and endocrine systems. By breathing in the smell of oils you also activate your limbic system in the brain.
It appears there is a deep connection between amygdala and Magdala and resurrection. The amygdala looks like an almond on each side of the head close to the ears. It is said that if your amygdalas are facing backwards it brings negativity into your life. If you click them forward it brings happiness into your life. Here is a link that tells you how to activate your Amygdala
I know for a fact that by smelling the oils it heals your limbic system. I was chemically poisoned in the early seventies and after that I became sensitive to all chemical smells like perfume, etc. A friend of mine was giving me a massage several years ago when she had me smell the oils. Almost any kind of smell would knock me out and I would feel like passing out, and it would turn off my brain. The oils did not affect me that way so I started to smell them. Then I read the book called Change your brain, change your life by Daniel G. Amen, M.D. What a godsend that book was for me. Now smells hardly bother me anymore.
The knowledge of smell activating the higher consciousness is a way of developing the soul. The olfactory bulbs in the nose stimulate the amygdala gland through smell and this activates the frontal lobes of the brain, transcending space, time, energy and matter, through consciousness.
Then there is another conspiracy theory about water. Do you know why they put fluoride in our water? One of the reasons was to calcify our pineal gland. Our pineal gland is our connection with source and when the gland is healthy it emits light. Did you also know that distilled water decalcifies your pineal gland? There are two types of minerals in our water. One is organic and the other in inorganic. The inorganic minerals in our body harden our arteries and get caught in our bodies and cause all kinds of problems.
Regular or filtered water has both kinds of minerals in it. Distilled water is just plain water with no minerals in it. Then when you eat lots of fruits and vegetable you get lots of good minerals for your body. Here is a two hour video that talks about the benefits of distilled water. The first half hour talks about urine therapy and what he says about that is interesting. Here is the link to that video. The Fountain Of Youth Has Been Found – Vinny Eastwood & Andrew Norton Weber.
Now what are the planets doing this month. Many people will awaken in April because of some of the events that will happen this month. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Uranus is in the sign of Aries right now. This means that we will have an interaction between Mars and Uranus all month. Then on the new moon of April 7th the sun and moon will be conjunct Uranus in a square aspect to Pluto.
Mars rules anger, violence, fires, and with Uranus it rules explosions and revolutionary action. Uranus rules wind and right now we have a huge wind storm moving across the United States causing much damage. Pluto rules transformation and that energy has taken down lots of structures lately, including governments. This new moon will trigger lots of action. It will be an exciting month if we stay in observer mode. The areas ruled by Aries and Libra are Alaska, where there is a volcanic eruptions going on right now, and the other area is Europe, including the Vatican.
Walk gently on this beautiful planet because we are the ones we have been waiting for. We are God’s perfect child. If you would like to release anger and negative energy from your mind, body, and environment, just say the ho’oponopono, which is a prayer from Hawaii.
Thank you Earth Angels for the donations you have sent me and for ordering Edgar Cayce Past Life charts.
I love all of you! Mahala Gayle