
Friday, January 31, 2014


I was very Blesto havexperienced this most amazing technology.
Initially during the session my neck & back stopped aching & feeling stiff. The process itself was pleasant & informative covering each & every body region.
Felt like something was happening I couldn't describe, but felt & sensed it effecting me throut...
Then there came the Tune Up for various areas not up to par & thisounds like it might or might not be.
Buthe last few days are what's fascinating me as I feel emotionally released, relaxed & giddily playful.
Also I'm sleeping earlier, eating less & finishing up things that have been lingering for weeks & months +.
My meditation & visualization have changed & dealing with difficulties where now Options appear.
Conversations have become richer & more fulfilling as if I'm transmitting the ideaspoken & unspoken.
Those in this area (L.A.) are fortunate to have Deborah as busy ashe is buthere maybe a few of these unique devices around the U.S. & elsewhere, I don't know but spoke about finding out as the occasion arises.
This technology was developed to tune up the ailing body parts, so I guess any boost in consciousness is just a bonus from the balancing effect. And it feels like the alignment of subtle bodies in my case allowing a greater flow of blissful & subtlenergies. Anyway that's my evaluation as one on the path quite awhile.
A teacher of mine spoke about going in a chamber & getting each organ vibbed up as needed.
Thiseems to fulfill his prophecy & the body, mind & emotions are intrinsically connected.
You can share the video demonstration belowith more information abouthis process,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

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p.s. If you know anyone that you believe would be interesting in finding out more,
Please Forward this withe YouTube Video Demo Linked Below...

----- Original Message -----
From: Bushwillows
To: deb
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:43 AM

**Incredible Russian technology**

Everything, everything, is energy. Every organ, system and body part has a unique energy frequency.
When a frequency gets out of alignment and changes from normal, we get symptoms and health issues,
pain, discomfort or worse. The system works similarly to an MRI or CAT scan but without radiation.
It identifies over 800 body areas and systems and tells which ones are at a non-normal frequency,
then corrects each one as much as the body will accept. We use headphones as all body frequencies
are exposed in the ears, just like reflexology works on feet and hands. The result?
Inflammation and stress dissolve, and the body can then balance itself which is what it is created to do.
We know this from getting a cut or bruise and watching the body heal that issue. Based on your list of concerns and what the system identifies as significantly less than healthy, through biofeedback, we address each area, and the system flips the frequencies to the correct energy.
It's above and beyond Rife machines, Radionics, QXs and SCIOs, all of which work on frequencies.
People have been brought back from the brink, on their way out, and all kinds of issues have been corrected
so that people can come to feel wonderful again, energy up, excited about life, happy.
Every body part has a unique frequency which occasionally gets out of alignment, thereby causing health issues. This system scans the body using headphones, as all body frequencies are exposed in the ears. The scan is very detailed and without radiation! Then whatever it finds out of balance, it corrects using Meta and DC therapies. Watch on the monitor as the frequencies flip and balance the energy. We end with a brief detox to lock in the good work that has been done.

We are getting some incredible results, so would love to share this new technology with you.
Come along, and bring a friend!

RSVP 818 3524600
Wow! The program is Diacom Urmium and here is a little instruction

but on the older model - not the newer one I use.



Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Second January New Moon happening Thursday 1/30

January vanishes into thethers as the New New Moon reveals what's hiding in the darkness,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

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Second January New Moon happening Thursday 1/30


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

MAHALA ~ Planet Alert February 2014


The Year of the Wood Horse Begins on the New Moon of Jan. 30th as we gallup into change,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

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Planet Alert February 2014

We are ready to enter the Year of the Wood Horse on the new moon of January 30, 2014 at 1:38 PM PST. What a year this will be. There will be lots of action and very fast-moving energy. Gemini is the astrological sign for The Year of the Horse. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which acts like quicksilver. The glyph for the Dreamspell calendar on January 30 is the Yellow Magnetic Human. The energy from that glyph strengthens and clears your physical body to prepare for expanded energies so you can open the door to Cosmic Consciousness. Magnetic energy is feminine heart energy so this is the year to think with your heart.
Jupiter is on 13 degrees Cancer right now, which is right over Washington, D.C. This degree rules business, publicity, insurance, religion, high offices of government, and the star Sirius. The Obamacare insurance plan is now in affect and there is always lots of business going on in Washington, D.C, and also in the United States. The United States and Russia will be in our focus this month, along with China. Russia is hosting the Winter Olympics which will be held in Sochi, Russia.
At this new moon, which signifies upcoming events, Mars is being activated in the cardinal cross. This is very interesting because Mars rules sports, and the start of the Olympics is February 7th. Mercury is in Aquarius and turns retrograde on February 7th. I wonder how that will affect the Olympics. Mercury usually causes things to get mixed up in its retrograde phase.
The Sun is now in Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus, so expect some unexpected events. Uranus rules revolutions and look what is going on in Egypt again. Uranus also rules strikes, uprisings, electricity, lightening, computers, and modern technology.
The north node moves into Libra on February 18, 2014 and Mars will be in Libra until July 25, 2014. The combination of Mars and the node together will be very interesting. This means the node will trigger Mars energy for the next six months. The north node has been in Scorpio for the past year and a half. Scorpio rules hidden secrets and there sure have been a lot of secrets brought to light recently like the event with Edward Snowden and the NSA information. Saturn will still be in Scorpio for another year and this planet will continue uncovering more secrets that will be brought to our attention to be transformed into light.
The north node in Libra will be a whole new ball-game. Libra is usually a peaceful sign that rules justice. It also rules the balance between positive and negative energy, and relationship issues. That energy will be affecting the Vatican and more rules will change. Look at what happened in January-the Pope fired all the top people in the Vatican Bank, except for one person. This is awesome because the Vatican Bank has been at the top of the control ladder for a long time. The buck stops there.
We have yet to see what will be brought forth through that action. One of the results might be the Stock Market fall that happened on Friday, January 24th. I don’t know if this had anything to do with the Pope firing the top leaders of the Vatican Bank, although when something happens at the top it trickles down through the other banks, which could affect the Stock Market.
Our Sun flipped, or finished its pole shift at the end of December. The flip started in 2013 and it takes over a year to complete. I think that was part of the chaotic energy we experienced in 2013. The Sun has a pole shift every 11 years so this is not unusual, although because of the placement of the planets in a cardinal cross we will be greatly affected by this new energy. The energy will continue to be chaotic for a while. I think it is a good idea to focus on this new energy and ground it into our beloved planet Earth. This will help us to stay grounded and stable during this time period.
I think this chaotic energy will culminate in April of this year. There will be a perfect cross in the heavens on April 22nd. The cross will be formed by planets on 13 degrees of each cardinal sign. There will be a total lunar eclipse on April 15th which is on the first day of Passover. This is called a blood red moon because the moon is expected to turn red. In fact there will be two blood red moons in 2014, and two in 2015. The second one in 2014 is on October 8th which is also on a Jewish festival called Sukkoth.
Palm Sunday is on April 13 and Easter is on April 20th. This red moon eclipse will happen during this holy week. The cross in the heavens will start forming on April 13 and will become exact on April 22. I was impressed to reread the story of Moses and the Passover. That event occurred in Egypt with the people of Israel crying to the Pharaoh to let them go, they wanted to be free and not be slaves anymore. Isn’t that what has been going on in Egypt, and the other Middle East countries for the last 3 years? Now it has reached a crisis in Egypt, and the people are really crying to be free. Is this history repeating itself?
Think back to the story of Moses. First the people were told to put blood above their door so they would be safe as Passover occurred. Then there were several plagues that affected the people. Hasn’t the Earth been going through accelerated Earth changes for the past 3 years? Then the Sun became black and the people escaped from Egypt and were set free. Doesn’t the sun turn black in a solar eclipse? There will be a solar eclipse on April 27-28 this year, depending on what part of the world you live in.
Many people have been waiting for the return of Christ. One of the prophecies I heard about was that after Ariel Sharon died, and also Nelson Mandela, we would then witness the return of the Christ. Both of those men have recently died. It says in the Bible that Christ will return in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and we will rise to meet the Lord in the air. This is a possibility because I know many people who have been waiting for a long time for the return of Space Beings and to have open contact with them. The dark ships are on a lower frequency so our consciousness has to be high enough to be able to contact the higher Beings of light who come in awesome crystal ships of light.
Easter is considered the celebration of the risen Christ. Haven’t we all been working on purifying our minds and our bodies so we can manifest Christ Consciousness? Aren’t we the ones we have been waiting for? It’s exciting to think that we may have reached the point in our lives where we can now manifest Christ Consciousness. Many of us have worked for years to release and transform all the garbage we have been carrying with us for eons of time. Don’t you feel lighter and more in tune with the higher frequencies? Isn’t it time to create a beautiful new planet on fifth dimension Earth? Aren’t you excited to be living on this planet so you can witness all of these marvelous events that will soon transpire? I can hardly wait.
Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone! So Be It! ***** Mahala Gayle *****

1/28/14 G F Update by SHELDAN NIDLE ~ Be grateful. Be gracious and Bless all for what is happening to this realm.

Numerous galaxies, near and far, have heard about your grand destiny and wish to share these events with you.

In effect, you are to become a prototype for peace, prosperity and unity!

Many ships from these galaxies are here now, watching and assisting us in your ongoing transformation.

In returning to the status of physical angels, you have given many the vision of how the divine plan unfolds in its miraculous ways.

This gives all in this enormous fleet much joy....

Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

1 Akbal, 6 Yax, 10 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! Much is happening around your globe. The dark cabal's leaders fully understand that their long reign is coming to an end. Our earthly associates are busy putting the finishing touches on a global currency reset and are using this event to quick-start a new worldwide banking system. Right now things are happening that will bring the first taste of global prosperity to this realm. A new gold-backed currency will eliminate the former restrictions set by the Dumbarton Oaks Agreements. The era of the Federal Reserve dollar is over. A new financial landscape is forming to put the control of each national currency back in the hands of the nation state from which it comes. Each bank will then abide by a strict set of rules which will end the fraud and chicanery of the past. Banking will no longer be a license to steal, and the gross "cons" that banks were noted for will end. Quite swiftly, the new governance that will arise as a result of this prosperity will enforce these new regulations. This new reality will be the forerunner of a disclosure that solidifies your march toward full consciousness.
The present chores of this fleet are built around the need to assure that all that is agreed to does indeed manifest. The present time is one in which the old dark order, possessed of unrelenting greed, arrogance and irresponsibility,will be succeeded by those who use their consciousness and growing sense of responsibility to bring forth a new reality. It is this special new reality that will be fully birthed when your present consciousness transformation is finished. This, as we said before, requires that we provide many mentors whose primary task is to bring you back to full consciousness. This pathway will involve the cities of Agartha. Special places throughout this realm are set-aside for the final stage of your journey. We have coordinated the building and operating of Light Chambers that are to finish this most divine task. When you leave these living transformers, you are to be fully conscious. After a short training you will be capable of operating well within a new 5-dimensional reality!
What is ahead for you is a great leap in consciousness. This divine operation is meant to raise this reality to the fifth dimension and to prepare you to become the prime guardians of this sector of physicality. You are to reunite with your Agarthan brethren, and together, to colonize the other three water worlds. These new galactic societies are to forge a galactic council to preside over this special guardianship. Moreover, you are to bring this newly united star nation into the Galactic Federation and fulfill your sacred destiny. Numerous galaxies, near and far, have heard about your grand destiny and wish to share these events with you. In effect, you are to become a prototype for peace, prosperity and unity! Many ships from these galaxies are here now, watching and assisting us in your ongoing transformation. In returning to the status of physical angels, you have given many the vision of how the divine plan unfolds in its miraculous ways. This gives all in this enormous fleet much joy.
As all of what we have stated unfolds, remember that this set of divine alterations is part of an even greater change that is sweeping throughout this galaxy. We first colonized this solar system with the full affirmation of this region's Spiritual Hierarchy. We watched the dark arrive long ago and wipe out this first colony. We then received permission to intervene and the land of Mu was created. Later came Atlantis and a truly odd scheme by the dark to make humans a slave race. This process has now failed. You are leaving the shackles of limited consciousness behind. You have learned much from your millennia of adventures under the dark's hard hand. This is over. It is time to return to the realm of full consciousness and fulfill the grand destiny given you by Heaven. We and your spiritual and space family, now come together and will perform a special prearranged alchemy. These events are to right this galaxy to the Light and permit you to make a great and necessary magic. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Events are now taking place that will change this reality. The various secret societies from both the East and West are finishing tasks that permit the world to begin global currency reset and to manifest a new financial system. The present banking oligarchy is composed of an "old guard" whose time for defeat has come. Ever since the days of ancient Rome, this stolid group retained control of the globe's purse strings. These dangerous and egocentric ones are to be jettisoned and left to their own devices. Arrests will follow, and with them their demise. These blessed events have taken us millennia to arrange and decades to make a reality! What is to succeed them is a system that is purged of their immorality and gross disrespect for humanity. Humans were their unwilling slaves and failed to see the great powers that each possesses. It is the time to accept that your liberation is at hand.
This first stage of your prosperity will be followed by the distribution of the various prosperity funds. This is to be a two-part process. Once this is complete, new governance will manifest. As you can see, this is indeed a truly blessed time for all. The old debt-ridden system is to fall. A new system will replace it that frees you from debt and allows you to achieve your sacred desires. Take this time to reflect. Look carefully at your societies. See how they can be improved. Look at the Earth as well. See her in a new light. Help her and swiftly transform how your societies provide for your energies and your transportation of people and goods. Be ready to embrace startling new technologies, and above all, do so in the spiritual context of your growing consciousness! Be conscious of everything and do not let this opportunity slip!
You are about to meet the representatives of your ancestors. You are also to mingle with the spiritual Beings of Heaven. The "veil" is to open. We are here to guide you to full consciousness and to teach those primary things that you need to be familiar with. This time will be one of joy and an equal part of responsibility. Many wonders are to become known to you. Use this time to improve yourselves and to forgive each other. Learn about your shared unity with all Life! Comprehend the great gift that is your life on, and shortly, in Gaia. Be ready to abandon your many beliefs and to expand on others. This is a very moral and relatively bloodless "revolution". It is to leave you in a consciousness state that you have not enjoyed physically for over 13 millennia. Be grateful. Be gracious and Bless all for what is happening to this realm.
Today, we continued our many messages that explain to you what is happening here. We ask that you take this in and do what your Higher Self advises when you are in prayer or in a meditative state. Be proud of what you are becoming and be ready to welcome all who have come to impart these wonders to you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA
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Webinar 45 Archive Image

Webinar 45 Archive
now ready for downloading...

In this Webinar Sheldan discusses how we as Starseeds
are working in the front lines and leading the way
towards becoming fully conscious Galactic Humans.

Topics include...
The role of Starseeds – Understanding our missions:
- Before the announcements
- After the announcements
Leading the way in a changing reality: - Why and how so few Starseeds can achieve so much
Viscerally tapping into our ancestral memories:
Feeling the anguish of our ancestors who long ago were stripped of full consciousness
Strengthening our resolve while coping with ascension syndrome Working together: As a collective, we must hold the intent
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Price: $13.95 U.S

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Monday, January 27, 2014

The Inner Sun ~ A planetary message from the Hathors by Tom Kenyon

Enjoy thenclosed meditation accompanied by the Inner Sun Hathor Sounds,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

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----- Original Message -----
From: PAO
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 5:00 PM
Subject: The Inner Sun ~ A planetary message from the Hathors by Tom Kenyon

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STARSEEDS: WayShowers to Full Consciousness

Webinar Archive now ready for DOWNLOADING

Video Preview: Starseeds are WayShowers

In this Webinar, Sheldan discusses how we as Starseeds are working in the front lines and leading the way towards becoming fully conscious Galactic Humans.

Topics include:
The role of Starseeds – Understanding our missions:
- Before the announcements
- After the announcements
Leading the way in a changing reality:
- Why and how so few Starseeds can achieve so much
Viscerally tapping into our ancestral memories:
- Feeling the anguish of our ancestors who long ago were stripped of full consciousness
Strengthening our resolve while coping with ascension syndrome
Working together: As a collective, we must hold the intent

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The Inner Sun

Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

According to the Hathors, our life force (or sekhem) is “birthed” in the solar plexus (the Third Chakra), and from here this subtle life force radiates throughout the body while simultaneously descending into the First and Second Chakras where it becomes a primal power for the ascent of consciousness as well as “sexual” energy.
This sound meditation energizes your solar plexus and gently elevates the quality of your own life force, which has a direct bearing on your consciousness.
Shortly after hearing that NASA had confirmed the magnetic pole reversal of our Sun, the Hathors encouraged me to visit the sound archives and listen to a sound meditation they had given during a Hathor Intensive in 2009.
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They guided me to edit out the beginning and end of this meditation, leaving the middle section saying that these particular tonal patterns would be of great benefit when working with the solar plexus especially now that the Sun has shifted its magnetic poles.
The idea that the Sun is pivotal to the transformation of our human consciousness has been promulgated by the Hathors from the very beginning of my interactions with them.
They are of the opinion that this particular solar shift has vast implications for our future, and it is an ideal time to work with our own Inner Sun (the solar plexus).
This sound meditation is a potent ally for those of us wishing to amplify our life force and to explore the interface between body/mind and spirit.
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The Inner Sun Meditation

There are a few steps to this meditation.
1. Place your focus of attention in the region of your solar plexus, which is located below your sternum, back behind your stomach and in the vicinity of your diaphragm. This is a major nerve plexus and also the location of the third chakra.
2. Imagine a ball of gold light in this area, like a miniature Sun. Sense this ball of golden fire in whatever ways that seem natural to you. There is no need to “see” anything.
3. As you focus your attention on this ball of light, enter a coherent emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude. When you join your focused attention on the ball of golden light with feelings of appreciation or gratitude, you will greatly amplify the effectiveness of this meditation.
4. Begin listening to the sound piece, which is 4:40 minutes long. When your mind wanders from either the ball of light or the feelings of appreciation/gratitude, bring your focus back to your Inner Sun and the coherent emotion(s) you chose to work with.
5. Allow the sound patterns to acoustically “massage” your Inner Sun—the ball of golden light that is in your solar plexus. As you allow this to occur, you may notice all types of phenomena taking place, including intense flows of golden light throughout your body and a morphing of the ball into various shapes and sizes. Your Inner Sun might also expand and engulf your entire body. When this happens, every cell of your body will be bathed in the golden light of your Inner Sun, which has unique healing and transformative properties.
6. When you finish the meditation, take a few moments to be with yourself before rushing into outer activities. If you had a particularly powerful experience with the meditation, it would be a good idea to allow some time to rest. This would be especially the case if your Inner Sun, the ball of golden light, expanded to engulf your entire body.

Click The Inner Sun for the sound meditation. Please note that this sound meditation may not be posted on other sites.
©2014 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved. You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not alter it in any way, do not charge for it, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. Please note that the actual Inner Sun sound meditation, as mentioned earlier, may not be posted on any site.
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"Triangulation and Vibrational Healing" TECHNIQUES

In the esoteric sense of the term, one may create a series of triangles extending from the third eye outward, for example.
I am going to recommend this technique for the removal of stuck energy anywhere in the body or in the life.
Wanted to resend this focusing on the technique above & elaborating on it.....
Trying 10, a 100, a 1,000 or a 1,000,000 Triangles, Pyramids flowing out spinning collapsing back & out again, reaching the Central Sun or the Absolute or Pure Light, Love or the Golden Grace of Ishvara.
Try Circles~GlobeSquares~CubeSpirals, any or all, healing & clearing chakras & bodies areas,
Reaching into any situation related to these chakras, mind, heart & so forth.
I tried this twice as I wenthru the Odyssey Visualization, found it Effective.
Go as you're guided, you can add colorsound, mantrasome mandalas.
I like the Rainbow at each chakra & related organ or gland & region.
Things are getting more Pleasant + a Noticable Change in Vibration.

----- Original Message -----
From: GalacticJack
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 5:50 PM
Subject: "Triangulation and Vibrational Healing" Things are not the same and they cannot go back to the same.

By becoming familiar & utilizing this & other techniques you build a reservoir of spiritual assistance,

Which You can call on to aid the moment or soften the way. The Angels, Masters & Beings of Light

work in & out of time which means help is always available for even future, present & past lives.

A sad or painful memory as an anticipated situation can be shifted if you're but open to shifthem.

More & more our momento moment decisions & actions will be having richly potent & instant Effects.

Even resting & slowing down willift our vibration & our Life's field of energies & not a word waspoken,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

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Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article
Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon
(Complimentary every week)

"Triangulation and Vibrational Healing"

January 23, 2014

(Channeling begins) (No Audio this week)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
The vibrational patterns within the physical body have begun to respond to magnetic shifts, solar influences and the major transformation that is being experienced in the greater cosmos. It is important to allow vibrational transformation at the cellular and sub-cellular level, and rapidly so now.
The process of triangulation in general is upon us. You may want to research the ways in which this shows up, scientifically, relationally and much more. In the esoteric sense of the term, one may create a series of triangles extending from the third eye outward, for example. I am going to recommend this technique for the removal of stuck energy anywhere in the body or in the life.

Other methods for quick transformation that involve letting go are and You may already have other tools, such as the ones I have given over the years or a training that you received. In this time period, you will need to rapidly transform in order to prevent pain and illness from building up in the body. Embrace this and ask your inner healing team to constantly work on you. Look on for videos and follow along with them. It will make a big difference.

That being said, lots of good water, plenty of good rest, and the reduction of stress in your life are also essential for this transformation time period. It is all about vibration, and the vibrations have changed. Things are not the same and they cannot go back to the same. Where are they headed? Peace, dear ones.
Alright then. Thank you and my love to you.
Djwhal Khul

Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon

(Spirituality Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

HILARION 1/26/14 ~ Accelerated Transformation.. to Regain your Divine Abilities...

The cells of your being are being regenerated and rejuvenated and you will feel cyclic waves of energy come from within you..

Stay uplifted, balanced and in a state of joy as this helps to keep a harmonious balance to those energies that come forth

through others as the cleansing process continues. This is your role as light beacons...


Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

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January 26-February 2, 2014

Beloved Ones,
Many of you will feel heat within your body as your physical bodies begin to activate your DNA/RNA codes. This can be a rather uncomfortable period for you so it is important to stay well hydrated and well rested. Trust that all is well and that you are being cared for by your etheric guides as you go through this process. Listen to your guidance and do whatever is suggested. This process is the beginning of an accelerated transformation that will leave behind all former limitations. The past will fade away and dissolve as you learn to live in the present moment. This will facilitate a greater clarity of mind and an inner knowing that there has been a shift in your perceptions and you will start to regain your divine abilities in whatever way is unique to you. We, your guides and team members assist in many ways to help you on the next step of your journey. You are never alone, Dear Ones, for we walk with you during the intense and irreversible changes that are now beginning.
You have come to this point because of your deep desire to fulfill the destiny that you have chosen as your contribution to the divine plan. This destiny is now beginning to unfold at greater speed and you will marvel at how far you have come in a short space of time. The cells of your being are being regenerated and rejuvenated and you will feel cyclic waves of energy come from within you which can cause periods of dizziness. Remain calm, breathe deeply and stay in a state of peaceful allowance to the new sensations that fill and surround you. There is much recalibration that is taking place within your human operating system and your morphogenic field. This will probably scramble your meridian flows of energy temporarily but will rebalance. You will have many episodes of sleepiness and drowsiness as you are attuned to ever higher frequencies as they come in.
Look to the heavenly alignments as they herald the changes that are taking place upon and within your planet and within yourselves. All is moving at a faster rate and linear time is followed only because of the instruments and devices that have been created previously. It is a time to connect to the Source within you on a regular basis in order that you receive the guidance that is needed and that you stay on track with your own divine timing. Everyone has their own inner clock and this is now in the process of being finely tuned so it is important to follow your intuitive promptings as this is where true guidance flows through. All of life is awakening to levels of being that have been dormant for eons.
Those who are attuned to the higher frequencies are in alignment with the many changes that are occurring and as such provide the role of catalyst wherever they may go. As they move about their daily lives they activate the awakening codes for the people around them, known or unknown. As conduits of the cosmic energies, these ones radiate this from their field of energy and it touches everyone and ignites their own individual process. It is most important that these change agents stay balanced in their every thought, word and deed, as this can have impact upon others around them. This is a great responsibility as one comes into awareness that you are in such a role upon the planet.
Stay uplifted, balanced and in a state of joy as this helps to keep a harmonious balance to those energies that come forth through others as the cleansing process continues. This is your role as light beacons and most of you have learned how to bring yourselves back into alignment quickly. Clear your energies each day before you venture out and again after you come home. Clear and balance each of your chakras so that your vital force is flowing unimpeded at all times. If thoughts appear in your consciousness that tend to bring your focus and energy down, learn to automatically change them to more life enhancing and affirming ones. The days of owning your own power are now upon you.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.