
Friday, January 31, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 31, 2020 ~ SETO RESET

China is expected to revalue the Yuan on Feb. 4th withe reopening of her stock market.
As this happens it leads the way for all other Asian & world currencies to follow.
Plus Pres. Trump is expected to Announce a Gold backed dollar the same day.
Know It!     Feel It~     See It   (<O>)   + Lots More is Now Happening,

Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 31, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 31 2020

Compiled 31 Jan. 2020 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Judy Note: Q declared today Fri. 31 Jan. Freedom Day!!! Get out the popcorn and enjoy the show, for as Q often said, Where We Go One, We Go All (WWG1WGA).

Today Fri. 31 Jan. Freedom Day was believed so named by Q because our Perfect Storm was set to thunder away today in an earthquake shattering close of US Inc, Durham Report release of political elites under indictment, we faced a vote on President Trump’s acquittal and Britain’s BREXIT, with aftershocks going through Tues. 4 Jan. as explained below.

The beginnings of the new Restored Republic should take place at 12:01 am Sat. 1 Feb. and since US Inc. was defunct, it was claimed that the new gold-backed dollar would be active at that same time of 12:01 am Sat. 1 Feb.

Speaking of the Restored Republic: President Trump had already announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos that over 190 federal judges had been appointed to interpret US laws for a return to Common Law of the original US Constitution: (@15 min.).

Most sources believed that Tier4b (the Internet Group) would receive notification to make exchange appointments by at least Tues. 4 Feb. – around the same time as President Trump’s State of the Union Address before Congress, where he was expected to announce the US return to gold/asset-backed currency, along with a Global Currency Reset.

It’s interesting to note that the Chinese Stock Market was closed and wouldn’t open up until Tues. 3 Feb. – likely with a revalued Yaun.

The Plan: Certain GOP members wanted witnesses to testify in Trump’s Impeachment Trial. The vote to gather witness testimony, or declare an outright acquittal, was today Fri. 31 Jan. It was a win-win for Trump either way. If witness testimony was approved, the GOP could then call their own witnesses to expose alleged crimes of the Political Elites who were pushing for Trump’s impeachment.

Though, such witness testimony may not be necessary as back in 2016 the US Attorney General had already appointed US Attorney for Conn. John Durham, as a federal prosecutor to do an investigation of certain Political Elites and federal agencies in connection with the Russian Probe. Later Durham’s investigation dug into deep areas that Mueller’s team didn’t bother to visit. The Durham Report was expected to be released also today Fri. 31 Jan.

Part of “The Plan”: According to Military Intel, as Tier 3 & Tier 4 liquidity was released, many World Court ordered/GESARA-required arrests would take place. Certain criminal Political Elites had to be indicted in order for the US to be GESARA compliant and participate in the Global Currency Reset, just as BREXIT had to happen in order for Britain to be GESARA compliant and participate in the GCR.

The Cabal’s Plan: With their fiat US Dollar bankrupt as of Fri. 31 Jan, the Cabal’s Plan appeared to be the creation of a virus outbreak so serious that it could affect the Markets and then manipulate the Markets for a Black Swan event that would trigger collapse of the Global Financial System – where thereafter the Cabal could “save” the world’s economics and their own skin through forcing use of their Bitcoin crypto currency.

The recent virus outbreak in China has, in fact, caused China to shut down their Stock Market until 3 Feb. Such a shutdown was bound to affect the global Markets. Not so coincidentally, the Genesis upgrade on Bitcoin was scheduled for 4 Feb. – which was 11 years, 1 month and 1 day after the original release.

The White Hat’s Plan: Trump to the rescue. That same Tues. 4 Feb would see President Trump’s State of the Union Address where he was expected to announce return of the US Dollar to the Gold Standard, opening the door for the Global Currency Reset.

A. Jan. 30 2020 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#

1. As of midnight tonight Thurs. 30 Jan. USA Inc. goes away and completes that transition 24 hours later at midnight Fri. 31 Jan.

2. The Restored Republic would occur by 12:01 am Sat. morning 1 Feb.

3. At 5:30 pm this afternoon Thurs. 30 Jan. we began transitioning from the fiat dollar into the gold-backed dollar. That would also complete by 12:01 am Sat. 1 Feb.

4. Yesterday Wed. 29 Jan. was the USMCA signing, plus President Trump brought out the Israel Peace Plan. BREXIT would take place by Sat. 1 Feb. The US-Chinese Trade Agreement was completed.

5. Yesterday Wed. 29 Jan. the Chinese Stock Market was closed, which allowed the Chinese Yuan to revalue and connect to the GCR system.

6. Tier4b could get the 800#s sometime Mon. 3 Feb, with appointments starting Tues. 4 Feb.

B. Jan. 30 Morning Chat with MarkZ:

All day yesterday Wed. 29 Jan. no new intel was received, nor was there any last night. All contacts have gone quiet.

C. Calling Witnesses in Trump’s Trial Would Lead to Investigation of More Serious Crimes of Democrats: witnesses/2020/01/28/id/951599/?gdpr_consent=&gdpr=false Calling witnesses to testify before the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump would mean "opening a door" for Republicans to call the witnesses they want to testify as well, Rep. Lee Zeldin, one of eight GOP representatives picked to help defend Trump, said Tuesday. "If you want to go down that door, the Republicans have been trying to call the whistleblower and Hunter Biden, and if you want to have firsthand material facts outlined, you would call (Reps.) Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler," the New York Republican told Fox News' Fox and Friends. "They're the ones who know more than anyone else as it relates to that second article of impeachment. Meanwhile, the articles of impeachment don't allege any impeachable offense, said Zeldin, and "you can’t reward prosecutorial misconduct."

D. Jan. 30 2020 1:45 pm EST Black Swan Event May Mean a Reset of Everything: Patriot Intel Report w/ Notes 1-30-20 China has shut down its stock exchange and Asian markets were taking a huge hit. This may be the “Black Swan Event.” We were looking for a major reset of everything. When you replace an old economic system with a new one you have to take the old system away. Who wanted to be responsible for that? There was a high possibility that something like this “Coronavirus” which was giving the Markets reasons to be shut down, may be the reason they needed to “reset” everything.

China Trade Deal: Done
USMCA Deal- Done
Brexit : Tomorrow
Huge time for Economic changes.

They have been working on the US Infrastructure plan for years. Multiple people in Trumps administration have said that there are “Trillions” of dollars of “Private” money sitting on the sidelines that are ready to come in. When asked where this money is coming from …it is never answered. Think about that.

Rebuilding the US infrastructure was about all new roads, high speed trains and revitalizing our entire nation. The source of this “Private” money has yet to be disclosed, but President Trump said that he would not address the infrastructure plan until the USMCA was signed and it was signed yesterday. So hang onto that thought of where is the “Trillions “of dollars of private money going to come from?

There was also a big possibility the Sham-impeachment would be over tomorrow and President Trump would be acquitted on the same day Brexit becomes law. Something else to think about.

The arrests couldn’t happen until the impeachment was over, so this may be a big weekend. The truth was going to shine out very soon. Remember, Patriots were in control.

E. Top GOP Senators Request Bill Barr Declassify Four Footnotes in Horowitz’s FISA Report, ‘Contradicts Public Information in IG Report’:

F. Jan. 29 2020 7:51 pm EST Bolton’s Book, RedPill78: RedPill78 -- Washington Crossing the Delaware in What? Proofs, Bolton's Book, and MOAR

G. Jan. 29 2020 7:46 pm EST Deep State Players No Longer Protected: And We Know -- Deep State Players Who were Once Protected are No Longer By And We Know

Congresswoman Pam Bondi on Legitimate Concerns about Biden:

This LEGAL immigrant LOVES @realDonaldTrump:

Harvard Professor, BU Researcher Who Bid for US Contracts Among 3 Charged With Illegal Ties To China:

Police Officer Who Patrolled Playgrounds & Parks Accused Of Transporting Child Pornography:

McCarthy on Fox News: time to move on:

Nunes on Fox News: impeachment and more:

H. Jan. 30 2020 5:03 pm EST Schiff-Bolton Lack Credibility: "Read 'em and Weep for Joy!" by Coach Jerry - 1.30.20

I. International Child Sex Trafficking:

Jan. 30 2020 Trump to create position focused solely on combating human trafficking

FBI Raids Los Angeles Church to Make Human Trafficking Bust:

Police Officer Who Patrolled Playgrounds & Parks Accused Of Transporting Child Pornography:

Pelosi and Sex Trafficking:

Ohio child sex trafficking sting nabs more than 100, including church leader, ER doctor:

Vatican, Global Elites Found Guilty of Child Sacrifice:

J. Restored Republic, GESARA/NESARA Compliance: As Q advised, “Enjoy the Show!”

According to Military Intel, as Tier 3 & Tier 4 liquidity was released, many World Court ordered/ GESARA-required arrests would take place. Those political elites charged with Treason had to be indicted in order for the US to be GESARA compliant and participate in the Global Currency Reset. The worst case scenario for NESARA/ GESARA and return to a Restored US Republic would be for such to occur 120 days prior to elections, which may mean around July 4 2020. Dem Panic Grows Over Mysterious Sealed Criminal Indictments -- Sorcha Faal

The Durham Report on a probe of the Deep State including a review of the FBI's Russia investigation, was due out Fri. 31 Jan. Over the next three weeks Rudy Giuliani promised to be releasing more intel leading to arrests. QAnon said that the FISA Abuse Report would release by March 2020. Those more prominent elites charged were rumored to be the Clintons, Bushes, Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Brennan, Ohr, Strzok, Clapper and many others.

Since 2016 US Attorney for Utah John Huber has been over a Grand Jury investigation looking into evidence of wrongdoings by those in the upper echelons of Washington, D.C. bureaus and law enforcement agencies.

Charges included using a public office for personal monetary gain; performing criminal acts relating to Uranium One, the Clinton Foundation, Fusion GPS; Crimes of 9/11 and Cover Up of 9/11; the March 11 2011 Fukushima Nuclear and Tsunami mass murders; Benghazi Massacre; Hijacking of Malaysian Air 370; Mass Murder in Haiti; Pedophilia; trying to subvert the will of The People by conspiring with foreign officials to take down a duly elected US President, or violation of the Espionage Act of 1912; High Treason; Election Fraud; Child Sex Trafficking; Homicide; Pornography; Money Laundering; Bribery; Perjury; Gun and Drug running; Human Trafficking; Child Exploitation; Kidnapping; Organ harvesting; Blackmail for votes on political issues through recording of pedophilia parties where children were raped, tortured and murdered; Misappropriation and Confiscation of US taxpayer monies through use of the illegal and privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, US Corporation, City of London and Holy See, plus not implementing the Freedom from Debt GESARA Law passed by the US Supreme Court and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

As of 31 Dec. 2019, 144,844 sealed indictments had been filed by Huber’s team of 740 investigators in federal courts across the nation, most of which contained pedophilia charges. It was said that 80% of the Democratic Congress (plus some Republicans) had been charged, some with major offenses such as Treason.

Jan. 2019 saw the beginning of Federal Court secret trials and GITMO Tribunals. By Dec. 2019 of 144,844 indictments filed, 16,818 had been unsealed (meaning indictments were served, arrests made), with 1,843 served during just these past holidays. With so many cases pending it was assumed that it would take at least two years or more to complete litigation....

Operation Disclosure Intel Alert (1-31-20): "Tug of War"

The epidemic marks the beginning of global financial change as both the Earth Alliance and Cabal attempt to take control of the Financial System...
A "Black Swan Event" is now on the horizon after China shut down its stock exchange due to the coronavirus epidemic.
The Financial System is expected to undergo a Global Reset once it collapses.

We Are... Witnessing the New Beginnings of thera of Light, Love & the Fulfillment of Our Destiny,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at Sheldan Nidle on Facebook Below
& More of Mine Above****


Operation Disclosure

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - January 31, 2020

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

The tug of war between the Earth Alliance and the Cabal is now visible on multiple fronts.

In the US, Rudy Giuliani is leading the charge into exposing Democrat corruption in Ukraine which is expected to lead to several indictments being unsealed.
Meanwhile, the Democrats are desperately pushing for impeachment before they are exposed.

Also, reports on FISA court abuse are expected to be released in March.

In Europe, the UK officially leaves the EU today making Brexit official which marks the beginning of the end for the EU.

Globally, the Cabal is attempting to delay the transition after fabricating an outbreak of coronavirus.

A "Black Swan Event" is now on the horizon after China shut down its stock exchange due to the coronavirus epidemic.

The Financial System is expected to undergo a Global Reset once it collapses.

Precursors for the Global Financial Reset have already been put in place in advance.

- China Trade Deal (Done)
- USMCA Deal (Done)
- Brexit (Today)

However, the Cabal is attempting to use the epidemic to implement their own "reset" via a cryptocurrency system.

The epidemic marks the beginning of global financial change as both the Earth Alliance and Cabal attempt to take control of the Financial System.

In other news, the United States Space Force recently released their official logo which resembles the Starfleet Command logo for the United Federation of Planets  from Star Trek.

The use of this logo was intentional as the US Space Force is expected to merge with the Secret Space Program and disclose all hidden technologies.

Once this occurs, the restoration of the Republic will be complete and common law will return.

All countries will then undergo GESARA agenda reforms.

The US Space Force will become Earth's leading space program and will oversee human expansion into the universe hence the Star Trek logo.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

PIR 01 30 20 ~ EconomicsS$

Some Good News is the facthathis virus was discovered in China in October, so that's 3 to 4 months.
The #numbers# arelativity low for all the hype, think of car accidents or drug fatalities.
Plus know thathe Galactics are monitoring this which willaunch The RV/GCR...
Trillions in Prosperity Program Funds aready to Change Humanity(Projects).
Now thathe Facts are coming outhings will happen Quickly Finally & Soon,


Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at Sheldan Nidle on Facebook Below
& More of Mine Above****

 PIR 01 30 20 (Audio Issues)

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

"Interesting Date for Market Change" by Sierra (NZ) - 1.29.20

The Stage iset as the Swan Dances across the Water TurninGold GJ

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 7:12 PM EST on January 29, 2020

Here is a series of tweets that point to the date of 4th February 2020 being significant to the financial market...

I ET 17 tweet...

'OMG, China just shut down trading...Still think it's just flu? WTF!!! What occurs the next day on 2/4?' The tweet features a picture of a news headline: 'Coronavirus: China shuts down stock market until 3rd February.'

I ET 17 retweets Craig Mason...

'The Genesis upgrade on Bitcoin is on 4th February 2020. In the article it clearly says that it is 11 years, 1 month and 1 day after the original release. 11:11.'

Finally, I ET 17 retweets WINTRELL...

'This was part of the game all along...Once the Tariff agreement occurred with USA, virus outbreak...Markets get manually manipulated to secure money.'

Phoenx at PIR has discussed a Black Swan event (financial collapse), and the potential for it to be linked to the Corona virus. It will take a major global event, such as a (fake) pandemic, to trigger the collapse of the financial system. It looks promising for this Black Swan event to happen very soon.

Oh, and there is another event on 4th February 2020: President Trump delivers the State of the Union Address. All signs point to him presenting the Address as an acquitted man, triumphant in victory. Bring it on!

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Jan. 29, 2020 TODAY, TOMORROW & THE NEXT DAY....S

It appeared that the Perfect Storm would thunder on Freedom Day, Friday 31 Jan...
More Happening Then Meets theye buthearts aready Willing & Able,

Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at Sheldan Nidle on Facebook Below
& More of Mine Above****

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Jan. 29, 2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Jan. 29 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Source: Dinar Chronicles

Judy Note: It appeared that the Perfect Storm would thunder on Freedom Day, Friday 31 Jan. Paymasters in both Zurich and Reno were very busy with a set schedule they had been given and all had confidence that the reset would happen this week. On Mon. 27 Jan. Exchange Center personnel were told they could go at any time this week.

28 Jan. 2020 Q Drop announced that Fri. 31 Jan. was Freedom Day. On Friday we faced a Congressional vote on President Trump’s acquittal, Europe’s BREXIT (making them eligible for the GCR) and more important to the reset, bankruptcy of the Cabal’s financial arm, US Inc.

Also yesterday 28 Jan. Q hinted that the Durham Report would be released this week – the federal prosecutor tasked by Attorney General William Barr to do a review of the FBI's Russia investigation that morphed into a Grand Jury criminal investigation including indictments. Q said the Durham Report would lead to FISA Abuse Report release in March 2020.

In Trump's 21 Jan. speech at Davos World Economic Forum he discussed both the global reset and Restored Republic: (RV/GCR: First 18 to 44 seconds. Restored Republic: 14 mins & 55 seconds to 15 mins & 20 seconds)

A. Jan. 29 2020 Morning Chat with MarkZ:

1. Zurich Contacts were given a very busy schedule for the week and very confident they would be liquid this week.

2. Bank Contacts were keyed up and felt that Thurs. 30 Jan. was the golden day.

3. Redemption Centers would have a video to watch before appointments that would instruct on the exchange process.

4. Sam Oliver: A restructuring of the world economy was taking place.

5. Snake: A Wells Fargo banker over training for exchanges in multiple offices said that they started at 7 am today Wed. 29 2020 and were told that they could go at any time.

B. US GESARA/NESARA Compliance: According to Military Intel, as Tier 3 & Tier 4 liquidity was released, many World Court ordered/ GESARA-required arrests would take place. Those political elites charged with Treason had to be charged/arrested in order for the US to be GESARA compliant and participate in the Global Currency Reset. Dem Panic Grows Over Mysterious Sealed Criminal Indictments -- Sorcha Faal

The worst case scenario for NESARA/GESARA and return to a Restored US Republic would be for such to occur 120 days prior to elections, which may mean around July 4 2020.

C. Judy Note on Release of the Durham Report: The Tues. 28 Jan. Trump rally in New Jersey was reminiscent of a 26 Dec. 1776 crossing of the New Jersey Delaware River by George Washington in Durham boats for a surprise attack against Hessian forces – a major turning point of the Revolutionary War. Now Trump would lead a surprise attack on Hussein forces by release of a John Durham probe.

Trump’s 28 Jan. 2020 Rally in Wildwood New Jersey also appeared to be a warning to Nancy Pelosi. The rally took place at the same location as the Battle of Turtle Gut Inlet, where on 28 Jan. 1776 they blew up a vessel named “Nancy.”

John Durham was appointed to investigate the Deep State and Q's first post “coincidentally” happened on the same day of 28 Oct. 2017.

Q’s Drop on 28 Jan. hinted at release of the Durham Report – the federal prosecutor tasked by Attorney General William Barr to do a review of the FBI's Russia investigation. In October it was reported that John Durham added agents and resources to examine the post-election timeline up to the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel in May 2017. The "investigation into the investigators" was upgraded to a criminal inquiry later that month, which gave Durham the power to impanel a grand jury and hand down indictments. Q said the Durham Report would lead to FISA Abuse Report release in March 2020. As Q advised, “Enjoy the Show!”

D. Restored Republic:

Over the next three weeks Giuliani would be releasing more intel leading to arrests. QAnon said that the FISA Abuse Report would release by March 2020. Those more prominent elites charged were rumored to be the Clintons, Bushes, Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Brennan, Ohr, Strzok, Clapper and many others.

Since 2016 US Attorney for Utah John Huber has been over a Grand Jury investigation looking into evidence of wrongdoings by those in the upper echelons of Washington, D.C. bureaus and law enforcement agencies.

Charges included using a public office for personal monetary gain; performing criminal acts relating to Uranium One, the Clinton Foundation, Fusion GPS; Crimes of 9/11 and Cover Up of 9/11; the March 11 2011 Fukushima Nuclear and Tsunami mass murders; Benghazi Massacre; Hijacking of Malaysian Air 370; Mass Murder in Haiti; Pedophilia; trying to subvert the will of The People by conspiring with foreign officials to take down a duly elected US President, or violation of the Espionage Act of 1912; High Treason; Election Fraud; Child Sex Trafficking; Homicide; Pornography; Money Laundering; Bribery; Perjury; Gun and Drug running; Human Trafficking; Child Exploitation; Kidnapping; Organ harvesting; Blackmail for votes on political issues through recording of pedophilia parties where children were raped, tortured and murdered; Misappropriation and Confiscation of US taxpayer monies through use of the illegal and privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, US Corporation, City of London and Holy See, plus not implementing the Freedom from Debt GESARA Law passed by the US Supreme Court and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

As of 31 Dec. 2019, 144,844 sealed indictments had been filed by Huber’s team of 740 investigators in federal courts across the nation, most of which contained pedophilia charges. It was said that 80% of the Democratic Congress (plus some Republicans) had been charged, some with major offenses such as Treason.

Jan. 2019 saw the beginning of Federal Court secret trials and GITMO Tribunals. By Dec. 2019 of 144,844 indictments filed, 16,818 had been unsealed (meaning indictments were served, arrests made), with 1,843 served during just these past holidays. With so many cases pending it was assumed that it would take at least two years or more to complete litigation.

It’s amazing what the Mainstream Media failed to report, and how long it has taken for exposure of the criminal political elites to take place. This was an article about the indictments published in alternative news way back in Feb. 2019:

E. Jan. 28 2020 11:24 pm EST 190 Judges Restoring the Constitution, RY: "190 Judges to Restore the Constitution" by RY - 1.28.20 One hundred and ninety judges have been assigned to investigate the Constitution to restore it. See Trump's full speech at Davos World Economic Forum on 21 Jan. 2020: RV/GCR: First 18 to 44 seconds. Restored Republic: 14 mins & 55 seconds to 15 mins & 20 seconds

F. Jan. 29 2020 4:14 am Repo Markets in Panic, Final Wakeup Call: Repo Markets in Panic: Summary The Stage of self-destruction, Credit Cycle, Repo Market, it’s getting very ugly for the big banks, scrambling for liquidity scarcity that cannot be resolved, Market melt-up and meltdown. The final question: When the repos prove to be insufficient, what will happen next? The solution was simple: implementation of GESARA and asset-backed sovereign currencies.

G. International Child Sex Trafficking:

The Mainstream News also ignored anything connecting the Vatican to Child Sex Trafficking and Child Sacrifice. See this May 2017 article that never made the headlines:

Pedophile Jailed for Abusing 50 Boys Across Four Countries:

Kobe Bryant Student of Lucifer:

Rapper Nicki Minajs’ Brother Sentenced For Child... Rape:

X22 Report -- Episode 2082: Global Economy is Failing, Nobody is Above the Law

Plans & counter plans are in Motion as the World watches Closely & Learns the Truth of it,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

All PAO Posts at Sheldan Nidle on Facebook Below
& More of Mine Above****

X22 Report -- Episode 2082: Global Economy is Failing, Nobody is Above the Law

Image courtesy of @X22Report on Twitter.

[CB]s Are Panicking, The Global Economy Is Failing, This Event Will Not Cover It Up - Episode 2082a

Those Who Are Protected Are No Longer Protected, Nobody Is Above The Law - Episode 2082b

By X22Report
Published on Jan 28, 2020

The [CB] are panicking, their entire fake economy is coming apart at the seems, they never got the event they needed and now they need a huge distraction and an explanation of why the system crashed on their watch. Trump signals the Fed to lower rates.

The [DS]/D's are in trouble, Trump's defense team destroyed them. Trump's defense team did the unthinkable, they brought Biden and Crossfire Hurricane. The patriots are educating the masses. Those who are protected are no longer protected, nobody is above the law, justice is coming.