
Friday, June 30, 2017

Awakening of Your Root Chakra – Galactic Energy Waves by Melchior

The Galactic energy that I, Melchior, am sending forth to you in three energy waves holds a purpose of awakening from your root chakra an acceptance of your existence and presence on the Earth, as well as an acceptance of your spiritual self unified with your physical existence. The energy encourages you to be more fully grounded into Mother Earth, accepting the gifts of life and learning to exist in oneness and harmony with Mother Earth and the physical planes...

Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

Awakening of Your Root Chakra – Galactic Energy Waves by Melchior

Channelled through Natalie Glasson  30th June 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
I am Melchior; I am the Galactic Logos, I oversee the Galactic Levels of the Creator’s Universe and distribute the sacred energies and will of the Creator. I am neither masculine nor feminine; I am the synthesis of both, a unity and expression of the Creator. The energy that I share can be perceived as silver, golden light which brings forth healing, awakening, enlightenment, unity within and initiations to aid further remembrance of the Creator.
The Galactic Energy Wave Begins
I, Melchior, have been guided by the Creator to deliver three energy waves of light from the Galactic Level to humanity. The first energy wave will be distributed from my essence at the beginning of July 2017. The second will be distributed at the beginning of August 2017 and the third at the beginning of September 2017. Humanity will experience each energy wave for at most five days. However, the transformational experience will continue over the three month period.
To Receive the Galactic Energy Waves
Imagine the lower part of your torso from the base of your spine, up past your hips and to your waist as a chalice or cup that collects light. Let the energy of love from your soul and heart chakra overflow to create the outline of the chalice or cup of light that fills your lower torso. Imagine, sense or acknowledge the colour your heart and soul emanate is creating the chalice or cup of light.
Recognise that in the centre of the chalice of light there is a magnificent jewel of light, you may perceive it as red colour or another colour; it represents your root chakra at the base of your spine. Your root chakra is opening and expanding to become connected with and a part of the chalice of light formed by your heart and soul, while also sending a beam of light downwards through your earth star chakra below your feet and into the core of Mother Earth.
Take the attention of your mind to your stellar gateway chakra above your soul star chakra and say out loud: ‘I permit the most appropriate vibration of Galactic energy from and overseen by Melchior for my soul and ascension to ground into and through my stellar gateway chakra now.’ You may experience an expansion in your own energy as silver golden light flows through the Universe of the Creator directly into your being. The light will flood your being grounding into your soul star chakra and resting within this chakra until you are ready to continue.
Take the attention of your mind to your soul star chakra between your stellar gateway and crown chakra. Allow yourself time to acknowledge the energy now present within your soul star chakra. When you are ready, you can say out loud: ‘I now invite my soul star chakra to deliver the galactic energy essential for my ascension into my entire being.’ Observe as the light flows into your being and is collected within the chalice of light created by your soul and heart chakra.
Bring the attention of your mind to the chalice of light in your lower torso, let it fill and overflow with Galactic light. Focus on your root chakra and imagine the light penetrating and merging with your root chakra. A beautiful and transformational shift occurs within your root chakra.
Continue to focus on your root chakra and the flow of Galactic energy pouring into your earth star chakra and the core of the Earth, as well as filling the chalice of light in your lower torso. Place most of your attention into your root chakra to observe the shifts, awakenings and energies anchoring in the present, coming moments and days.
Practice this once or as many times as you feel guided at the beginning of each month during this three month period.
How the Galactic Energy Will Assist
The root chakra represents patterns and habits of survival, learning to exist on the Earth and strength for living. As you receive the Galactic light, your root chakra will be reprogrammed, healed and activated to support new understandings of survival and existence on the Earth. Galactic codes, energetic patterns and sacred symbols will be anchored into your root chakra holding wisdom and knowledge which will support the creation of new patterns of survival. No longer will it feel as if there is a need to learn to exist on the Earth, the Earth will become a part of you and you a part of the Earth. Survival will transform into unity with the Creator, receiving all that you need to aid your existence on the Earth and the strength of your root chakra will support further exploration within your existence as a spiritual being embodying a physical body. A deep sense of knowingness will emerge from your root chakra as the Galactic energies activate deep-seated spiritual energies stored within this chakra.
The Galactic Codes, Energetic Patterns and Sacred Symbols
The Galactic energy that I, Melchior, am sending forth to you in three energy waves holds a purpose of awakening from your root chakra an acceptance of your existence and presence on the Earth, as well as an acceptance of your spiritual self unified with your physical existence. The energy encourages you to be more fully grounded into Mother Earth, accepting the gifts of life and learning to exist in oneness and harmony with Mother Earth and the physical planes. The Galactic energy will support a deeper acceptance of spiritual living and a spiritual outlook upon the Earth. This means the embodiment of love, peace, joy, fulfilment, truth and healing, allowing these sacred energies to become your patterns of survival and existence upon the Earth, your strength and vigour for a powerful, meaningful existence upon the Earth. Thus, the same energies will form the foundation of your reality and will be your experiences of your reality as well.
Your awareness will allow you to recognise that through the grounding of Galactic light into your being especially your root chakra you will embark on a healing journey of acceptance. Acceptance of yourself, your experiences, creations and reality on all levels of your being. This adoption and realisation of acceptance will allow for higher aspects and consciousness of your soul to merge with your being while encouraging a deeper understanding of the marriage between spiritual and physical existence on the Earth.
The Three Galactic Energy Waves
The first Galactic energy wave will focus on clearing your root chakra while beginning the process of acceptance where is it vitally necessary to support physical and spiritual existence on the Earth. Some people may experience a deeper bond forming with Mother Earth as they recognise the unity between their being and Mother Earth, as well as how this supports life and ascension on the Earth. Others may experience a deepening of their bond with themselves and an acceptance of energies that have been held within their root chakra that no longer align with the transformation occurring within their root chakra.
The second energy waves will be of a higher frequency of Galactic light allowing for a deeper healing within your root chakra and therefore a greater activation of acceptance. Awareness of patterns and habits of survival which no longer serve you will come to the surface with an acknowledgement of their transformation into patterns of positive fulfilling experiences upon the Earth. New outlooks for life will dawn, making you aware of actions and further healing that is required in your journey of acceptance.
The third Galactic energy wave will be of a higher frequency of light than the previous two energy waves, continuing the process of grounding the Galactic light, I, Melchior, am sharing with you. As the energies encourage you to move deeper into an exploration of your root chakra, so you may discover the core of the energy of acceptance and the core of negative patterning which impacts your reality.
The energy will flow into your being and root chakra three times whether you are aware of it or not. If you are conscious of the process, you will receive the benefits with greater ease and perfection, aiding your acceptance of yourself, Mother Earth and your spiritual existence upon the Earth.
With joyful anticipation of working with you,


Thursday, June 29, 2017

"Spirit Helpers"

So, essentially spirit is eternal, the fleshy body is temporary but when one drops a body their spirit is still very much alive, vital, available, communicative. So I want you to think in terms of just like picking up a telephone or sending a text message or something,
that you can quite easily communicate with those on the other side, that you can request things like “Can you help me out with this...
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article
Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon
(Complimentary every week)

"Spirit Helpers"

June 29, 2017
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. We’re going to talk this week about Spirit Helpers and how to address those on the other side that can work with you, maybe as a guardian angel, a deceased relative who is looking after you and also just spiritual teachers, Masters, healers.
So, essentially spirit is eternal, the fleshy body is temporary but when one drops a body their spirit is still very much alive, vital, available, communicative. So I want you to think in terms of just like picking up a telephone or sending a text message or something, that you can quite easily communicate with those on the other side, that you can request things like “Can you help me out with this life challenge right now?” or “Can you watch over me while I drive. Keep me protected and keep me safe.” “Can you point me in the right direction in my career choice.” That sort of thing. So it’s just very much a constant connection and if it is a deceased one, you know, you know them by  name, you know their vibration. You might have a piece of their jewelry or a photograph of them and you can use that to add to the power of it. 
Mostly you’re really wanting to open the Third Eye Center and invite them in and connect with them like a passage way of communication and then also through the Heart Chakra where you are absorbing them if you will to the center of your chest and  then receiving information from them. 
So this is all basically love based spirit helpers and how to best use them and they are there to help you. So please call upon all your Spirit Helpers including the Ascended Masters.
As always, thank you and my love to you.
Djwhal Khul
Channeled by Rev. Terri
(Spirituality Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet)

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

G F UPDATE BY SHELDAN NIDLE 6-27-17 ~ Amazing Events are nearly ready to unfold.

Our first suggestion is to transfer all available personnel to the task at hand.
Our second suggestion is to immediately incarcerate those assigned to be arrested and immediately bring in the NESARA Republic!
   These suggestions are simple and can easily permit our allies to get this job done...
Use your growing abilities to allow your long-promised miracles to bloom and to divinely grace you with the prosperity given to you by Heaven...

Remain constant in your vision and just know that some amazing events are nearly ready to unfold...
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
                      11 Ben, 16 Kayab, 13 Caban
Selamat Balik! An amazing degree of progress is occurring despite the immense daily requirement of counting prospective distribution funds. As all of this continues, it is evident the current banking system with its limits is causing a slowdown, which is why it's clear that a new banking system is needed. It is unfortunate that even though we are on the brink of wider prosperity, we are stuck with the very clumsy and inadequate reality of an older and more limiting banking system. Nevertheless, the counting and accompanying realities of the new one are clearly coming to pass!
   This process may have been slowed, but it is not to be stopped. Until all currencies are fully accounted for by the new monies, the process demands that none of these currencies be released. When this process is completed, a new and more adequate banking system is to arise. At that time, you can then interact with a reality that is fully capable of easily meeting your every need. Until then, remain patient and ready to use what you are then to be given. The best is truly yet to come! This process may seem tedious and slow but it is progressively being accomplished!
   What all of this truly means is those who are in charge of the various delivery levels are still stymied by the immensity and complexities of their present tasks. In our opinion, the old realities just need to be dissolved and those with the capabilities to get these tasks done need be permitted to quickly do what is necessary. Our primary purpose for this positive nagging is really two-fold. Our first suggestion is to transfer all available personnel to the task at hand. Our second suggestion is to immediately incarcerate those assigned to be arrested and immediately bring in the NESARA Republic!
   These suggestions are simple and can easily permit our allies to get this job done. In addition, these actions can permit this present, illegal system to rapidly collapse on its own accord and allow new governance to bring in a new global prosperity and help all to achieve their wondrous goals. This, after all, is supposed to be the purpose of what is now destined to be swiftly happening. In this, we just ask all parties involved to get on with it! Let all of Gaia's humanity reap the success they so divinely deserve!! As a people, you do indeed deserve more, much more than you are now receiving. Hosanna! Hosanna!
   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters. We come on this day knowing that a way is to be found that can again move these funds toward their fated destination. We realize just how truly unique this amazing process is. We thank and bless everyone. We are grateful that a means was discovered to permit these vast amounts of funds to be readied for delivery to the appropriate individuals. As this divine act is completed, much can indeed be cheered. Let it all be true! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
   We have the means to dissolve the problems of this current reality. Let us pool our good visions together and see this whole wondrous set of events through to the end. In doing so, we can create an energy that will allow everything to achieve its promised reality! In keeping this magnificent vision, we are supporting those who are now preparing to accomplish those goals needed to put us on the very verge of delivery! We Masters are proud of what your energies are achieving. We therefore ask you to join with us and provide the means to keep everything moving forward.
   It is vital not to give up during these last stages of our success. Use your growing abilities to allow your long-promised miracles to bloom and to divinely grace you with the prosperity given to you by Heaven. This process is really the crux of this matter and it is moving daily to where you can shortly see it manifest before you. Hence, you require a set of inner beliefs that cannot be easily frustrated. Remain constant in your vision and just know that some amazing events are nearly ready to unfold. Hence, dear Ones, be always ready to receive your Heavenly riches!
   Today, we continued our weekly report about what is occurring around this very complex orb. As usual, there is the very interesting and complicated story of how this land is preparing for its overwhelming prosperity and the concurrent rise of the NESARA/GESARA governance. Included in this is how this land is to end its worldwide UFO cover-up and welcome the arrival of its Spiritual and space families. Know, dear Ones, that the countless and never ending supply of Heaven is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA                                                                            
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Our path towards full consciousness has never been more intense.
Many of us are experiencing daily episodes of ascension symptoms.
Must we continue to endure these galactic growing pains or ...
are we ready now?
Topics include...
Purpose of ascension - Why now?
Ascension Symptoms - How to cope as we transition from 3D to 5D
The Galactic Federation's role in ascension
The Ascended Masters' role in ascension
What's left for us to experience before we ultimately make the shift?
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Monday, June 26, 2017

Message from Archangel Uriel from Genoveva have the all the tools and you have My Silver Flame of Illumination that can see through any type, shape and form of darkness,
gray or in between, through any illusion!
Ask for the Flame of Truth to assist you, be willing to see the Truth always, set the intention to Be Love and compassion in every moment and reinforce this throughout the day, and then expect to have only Joyful and Peaceful encounters and events!..
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 5:50 PM
To: GalacticJack Furst
Subject: Message from Archangel Uriel from Genoveva
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This Webinar archive discusses why there have been so many delays and reveals the GF's latest plans to overcome the lingering obstacles created by the Cabals.


Webinar 85 Preview: Power of Divine Focus

For many years, the Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and Earth allies have been working towards the defeat of the Dark Cabals.

Topics include...

• Who are the Galactic Federation human first contact team members?
• Who are the Dark Cabals? Why do they relentlessly create obstacles?
• Why can't the GF arrive immediately? Why so many delays?
• What can the GF do now to bring about the defeat of the Dark Cabals?
• Are we as Lightworkers doing enough to help the GF? Could we do more?

To order Webinar 85 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

Message from Archangel Uriel

via Genoveva
Greetings dearest ones! I AM Uriel, Archangel of Love and Silver Light, Bringer of the Future in this Now, Bringer of the Truth and Peace into your heart, your beloved friend and family, your companion at these times of rapid and tumultuous changes.
I am here to assist thee, to gently guide and softly direct you on the path of your Soul, on the path of the Light and Love, while you and the whole collective is being bathed, washed and cleaned by The Mother’s Tsunami of Love.
You are strong dearest hearts, you Know what is your next step, you do remember pieces of your Divine plan and have trust in yourself and in your sense of direction. You are the Champions of Love and you are the strongest of the strong! Have the courage to move on and step into the new, take action even when it seems to be something that had never been done in the past. Taking action in these times of transformation means letting go and surrendering to the flow of Love and not so much of doing something outrageous or dangerous.
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Each and every one of you have different blockages and self imposed limitations, issues that you need to be made aware now, and that you have buried deep, deep into your unconscious and subconscious bodies and that you are slowly or swiftly releasing and eliminating. Take your time and go within your heart, see the Flame of Silver burning bright and sit there in serenity and peace with Me for as long as you need, to find out what it is that you are to work with at this time.
Ask questions if you wish, and be prepared to listen and absorb the information that comes to you and be assured that you will be given all that you are ready to comprehend and understand at this time! Do not be afraid of what you might find, and just because you have been locking these issues out of sight and conscious mind, it doesn’t mean that they are bad or horrible! Remember that you are Beings of Light, daughters and sons of The Mother/ Father, Mighty defenders of the Throne, and you would not have planned and decided to travel with anything that would be less than the brilliance and the love that You are!
You have been placing these memories and issues into a separate file and drawer so you can function in the world as it is until you became ready to tackle these old type of limitations. It may take some time or better said, a different approach to understand the multi-layered issues and how to let go of them, how to proceed next, for as you know, the higher you get on the spiral back home, the more tricky and confusing it may become, and at the same time your ego will attempt to stop you and he/she will seem to become more forceful and convincing in his attempts to take you off the narrow path of light.
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Yes, We are here with thee, We are watching you in amazement and pure delight, We cheer you on, always, but it is your wish to have you reach the understanding, to learn every lesson on your own, with your wonderful team of divine helpers, and this is why it seems that we are a little more distant or softer then before. You are never, ever left alone, it would be impossible to separate from us and from the Mother and Father one!
But you have the all the tools and you have My Silver Flame of Illumination that can see through any type, shape and form of darkness, gray or in between, through any illusion!
Ask for the Flame of Truth to assist you, be willing to see the Truth always, set the intention to Be Love and compassion in every moment and reinforce this throughout the day, and then expect to have only Joyful and Peaceful encounters and events!
I will leave you now with sprinkles of Silver, with abundance and gentle fortitude!
Until next time,
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