
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year Blessings from PAO

I Wanted to Wish You All The Magic of This New Year as It Startshortly and Never Ends.....
We've All made it happen as it fills Us and the lives of All on Mother Earth & Beyond,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breathe of Our Ascension

----- Original Message -----
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 5:19 PM
Subject: New Year Blessings from PAO
PAO Email Update banner -MadMimi72

Wishing you Light that illuminates your Path,

Peace that permeates your Being,

Harmony that sings your songs,

Keep shining your Light, bright!

2015 Promises to be a stellar year!

Selamat Ja!
Sheldan, Colleen, Miles and Rhonda
PAO Team

12-31-14... "Shock-Waves (Part II)"... "All Secrecy is now ending..

Preston James VT 12-31-14... "Shock-Waves (Part II)"... "All Secrecy is now ending and everything will be screamed from the rooftops all around the World"
Preston seems to have a grander sense of what is occurring than many of the other "out there" alte...

 ...the hard cold fact that all World Terrorism is linked to this very large Organized Crime Cabal (OCC) one way or another… an Organized Crime problem this large has never occurred anytime before in history

“The OCC is comprised of three main divisions. The first is the International Zionist crime Syndicate (IZCS)… The second component is the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) that gained initial power under Prescott Bush (AKA Prescott Scherf)… The third component of the OCC are the independent crime syndicates and various large industries…

You are realizing that you are indeed beings of Love, created in Love.

Truly, the news is good as 2015 approaches, so continue holding your brilliant Light on high as you demonstrate Love in action....

You see, what we're doing will effect All of Relativity & far beyond as far as the New Light Shines.
All is One & Noone knows how far it goes from Relative to Absolute to the Unknowable & on...
We are also changing, All of Us as Heaven (happiness) & Earth become Uniquely One,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breathe of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

You are realizing that you are indeed beings of Love, created in Love.

The New Year, 2015, is nearly upon you, and I can assure you that it has some wonderful surprises in store for you!

Yes, I am being optimistic and up-beat because your task is to keep your spirits high so that you remain in the “fast lane” towards home, and one of my tasks is to assist and encourage you. But that does not mean that I am misleading you! I would never do that. However, many of you are feeling disappointed and let down because it seems to you that “the event,” for which you are all waiting so enthusiastically, has at best been delayed and at worst is a delusion that you bought into because the world situation appears so grim, and because you desperately wanted and needed something uplifting and inspiring to cling to.

Well “the event,” your awakening into your natural and fully conscious state, is more real than anything you have ever experienced within the illusory environment that seems to hold you unwillingly in its clutches. Truly you are not held unwillingly, you are just afraid to let go of the illusion to which you are clinging so firmly and consign yourselves into the loving arms of your Father, arms that He patiently holds open awaiting your acceptance of them.

You built the illusion, collectively of course, and you will demolish it. But its demolition will not be violent, there will be a very gentle but rapid melting away or dispersal of it as you collectively awaken into Reality. As you look around you now and see all the violence and suffering that so many are experiencing it is hard for you to conceive of such a dramatic change of scene, but humanity has made enormous strides on its path home to Love, and has made the irreversible choice to awaken.

The tipping point, at which your collective embrace of Love outweighs your collective hold on fear, totally dissolving it, is the moment for which you have all been waiting. It is your move from the nightmare, which seems to enfold you all either as participators – willing and unwilling – or as unhappy observers, into an environment of harmonious and loving cooperation where you will work together with those in other realms who are on standby ready to assist you to heal yourselves and the planet when the tipping point is reached.
You can have no idea of the immense variety of technologies that those from other realms will bring with them to assist you in returning Gaia to the state of perfect health that is her natural state. Over the eons, as humanity’s many and wide-ranging forms of “civilization” have engaged in unwise industrialization, enormous damage has been wreaked upon her and is still ongoing today.

The technologies that humanity has been using recently to mine her for resources you consider essential or valuable are not in fact clever, efficient, modern, and safe, as large scale industrial businesses would attempt to persuade you, but just the opposite. Your alternate media has been doing an excellent job in uncovering and bringing to your attention the vast scale of damage that international industrial conglomerates have wrought upon Gaia in the last few decades, and much pressure in the way of public awareness and opinion is forcing them to reassess their operations and actually take the first essential steps towards reversing the damage that they have caused. They are resisting and dissembling, but the truth about their pernicious activities has been revealed, and they have no option but to alter their attitudes and behaviors to align with the loving attitudes of the vast majority who want humanity and Gaia healed.

It is that change of heart, of attitudes, that is accelerating your progress along your path to awakening. You are realizing that you are indeed beings of Love, created in Love, and you are therefore responding lovingly to resolve issues that have been troubling humanity for eons and which, until now, had seemed insurmountable and insoluble. Needless to say they are not. It is just that humanity has been split into many different factions – familial, political, business, national, cultural, and religious – with different and conflicting egoic agendas that have prevented you from coming together to address and resolve them.

That is all changing because the Tsunami of Love, which has been having an enormous effect on those of you who are consciously on a spiritual path, has been inspiring and uplifting you to engage with It and by so doing share and extend Its energy throughout all of humanity. This is the divine plan in action, and evidence of its inspiring presence can be seen in all parts of the world.

Do not be misled by the mainstream media’s almost constant focus on fear, and on their reports of threats of terrorism. Throughout humanity’s long history on the planet there have always been fears, conflicts, and wars, and for those directly involved there has been much suffering, but those conflicts have always been instigated by those who would control and suppress you as they still are.

Of course there are people who believe in the power of violence to bring them rewards, but they are in a very small minority. However, they have always noisily attempted to instill fear into their contemporaries and supporters in order to build fear based organizations that they can use as a means of control to achieve their own selfish agendas by ensuring that governments do their bidding. This state of affairs is coming rapidly to an end. People in many parts of the world are now very much aware of the endemic corruption in high places and will no longer tolerate it.

When support for these corrupt ones falls away, as it is now doing, they are quickly seen to be straw men, weak and fearful individuals who are utterly powerless without supporters and lackeys to do their bidding. Massive changes are under way as individuals reclaim the power that they had, in many cases unthinkingly, given away to so called authorities that had been established with the sole purpose of protecting the few whose one aim is power and control over others. Many of you refer to those seemingly all powerful ones as the “dark cabal.” Dark and hidden they may well have been, but not any longer. Their influence and notorious agendas are being disclosed with, for them, alarming speed, and in that disclosure lies their inevitable downfall.

Truly, the news is good as 2015 approaches, so continue holding your brilliant Light on high as you demonstrate Love in action. Visit your holy inner sanctuaries at least once daily and re-empower yourselves with the Love that is your core, your center, so that not only you, but also all with whom you interact each day are uplifted and inspired as you move forwards towards your assured awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

12-30-14 G F Update by Sheldan Nidle ~ A Great Oneness

We are all part of a great Living energy. This energy is part of a great Oneness. This Oneness is destined to bring Love and Light to all physicality..

Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breathe of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

                                         12 Cauac, 17 Mol, 11Ik

Dratzo! We come on this date with more to discuss with you. The various coalitions created by the Light are in the process of finishing their operations to remove the dark cabal from power. These groups are slightly ahead of our jointly agreed upon schedules. We are most pleased with these results. The new Gregorian year promises much as it prepares its final countdown for manifestation before you. This year is finally to make it possible to finish off the cabal and its numerous henchmen. This coming victory is to give you the freedom and prosperity we have long promised you. This time comes with a growing set of responsibilities as well. Gaia expects that you are to honor her. Over the past 500 years, western civilization has spread across your globe like a cancer. It strongly believes that it is the master, and not Gaia. This upside-down view needs to be expunged by you and replaced by one that realizes the importance of creating a society which sees itself as a part of the natural processes of your world. You need to visualize how you are truly partners with this world essence in preserving and sustaining all life on Gaia.
As you develop your new global societies, bear in mind this concept of divine partnership with every planet that you are to dwell on in this solar system. Right now, you need to concentrate on Gaia. When you are reunited with the Agarthans, use their societies as a prototype for establishing a new epoch for humanity. Your new technologies are to terminate any need for the mass farming you currently do. This technology likewise is to end the present way your economies operate. No need for stores, or for that matter, jobs, which take you away from your home simply to earn the monies, you need to survive. Instead, you are to learn to work with one another, to alter how you view “Mother Earth.” Each individual possesses talents. These are to be used to find the joy you need to truly be in ecstasy. When you constantly use your talents to aid your society and sustain your world, you discover an inner joy. This maintains and enlivens you. You gladly join with others to form relationships that sustain each other.
We say this simply to encourage you, and to prepare you for what lies ahead. Long ago, the dark created your societies to serve themselves. Your purpose was simply to do what they wished, or in a lesser way, to emulate them. This is not a natural sequence of events. Thus, you have mostly denied yourself things that were capable of bringing you joy and true knowledge of self. As you move forward into higher states of consciousness, you begin to realize the ridiculousness of such an arrangement. Instead, you require a society where everyone learns to honor each other. This type of society is a natural evolutionary process that normally takes many decades to discover and implement. Our purpose is to have you accomplish this even before you reach full consciousness. This is to be the prime task of our mentors. You first need to rediscover who you truly are and apply it to your realm. This process is to be the prelude to what we call galactic society, where you learn to sustain each other, and your realm.
Such societies permeate our numerous star nations. We have come here to prepare you for the advent of such a society throughout this solar system. As you grow, you are also to learn how various souls have raised their vibrations to where they do not require a physical body. These magnificent Beings are to be found aiding the elementals found on all the worlds, which possess environments harmful to physical life. They also wish to be a part of this new star nation. We are to teach you about life and consciousness as well, to ready you for a truly amazing set of experiences. Each of you has a series of realities where you exist in parallel to yourself. This is how you make decisions based upon your life contract. We are to let your mentors explain this in a more extensive manner. Before we can do this, you are to learn more about the true nature of time and space. To do this, you need to abandon your present concepts that are based purely upon physical reality. Until then, let this brief allusion suffice. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with some good news for each of you. Right now, we are watching our associates complete a number of tasks that are to lead you to a new epoch. Now that the Christmas holiday is complete, we are seeing that the various programs are concluding. We fully expect to see the rise of new governances around this world in the coming months. These changes are only the beginning of several new developments which are to drastically change how this world operates. Mostly, governments have been the playthings of the super-rich and powerful. Now these instruments are to represent you. This dramatic change is due in part to your great envisioning. It has taken much longer than originally expected. Meanwhile, Heaven continued to ask its many angelic guardians to accelerate the various readjustments that you needed. This program in turn produced the degree of change which Heaven wanted.
We, Ascended Masters, were required to use our envisioning powers to assist you in this grand task. We welcome your increasing acceptance of the many changes needed to transform this reality. Let us continue to pray and meditate together. A grand design is manifesting in this realm, which is destined to transform us all. We are most pleased by your cooperation. The energy fields have formed, which are to wonderfully forge our new realm. Use this ever-growing energy to bring in your dreams. We wish you freedom, prosperity, and most of all a return to the individual sovereignty and rights given freely to you. Each human on this world is destined to merge with his or her highest living potential. This resultant Being is to work with others to form a most marvelous new epoch for all humanity. It is this entity which is to join with the Agarthans and others to form a new Galactic Federation star nation.
Your future is indeed bright. We see ourselves as mentors for each of you. Together, we are to forge the means to solidify and sustain a galactic-wide peace. We are as well to be the core of a union of galaxies, which are to spread the Light throughout this section of physicality. We rejoice in all that we as a people have had to endure, to achieve this wondrous objective. Long ago the Anunnaki set us on a course that seemed only to bring you eternal difficulties. Heaven intervened and first provided you a way out. We have used this opening to bring humanity to where it now sits. You are blessedly going to go beyond this and return happily to your true state. In this state, you are to learn all about what really transpired over the past 900,000 years. Use this sacred knowledge to advance humanity and to fulfill the remaining prophecies given to us by Heaven. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Today, we continued our messages. This information is simply to help you. Know how deeply we love you. This realm is indeed beginning a change that is to fundamentally alter your history and bring you a great truth! We are all part of a great Living energy. This energy is part of a great Oneness. This Oneness is destined to bring Love and Light to all physicality. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Webinar 56 Image

Webinar 56 Archive
Major Players in Our Shifting Consciousnessnow ready for downloading...
We are evolving back to oneness!
Each member of the Galactic Federation brings a specific
skill to their role in the first contact process. In this Webinar,
Sheldan presents the various GF first contact team members and
describes how they will assist us in our shift to full consciousness.
Topics include... Who was King Atlas? Where did he go wrong?

Are we repeating the last days of Atlantis?

Decoding Current Events ~ political and economic realities

Galactic Federation Members ~ their key roles and how they are helping us

Agarthans are walking among us ~ what is their role?

Returning to Unity Consciousness (Returning to Oneness)

To order Webinar 56 Archive: Click on the white button
Price: $13.95 U.S

PAO Webinar 56 Preview: Galactic Federation Member Roles

Now you can get all of Sheldan's Webinars with our Downloading made easy... archives order page.

To help you choose, each Webinar has a FREE mini-preview on YouTube.
To order Webinars:Click Here

Monday, December 29, 2014

Opening Your Heart to Your True Soul Self

If you & just a few people in your Life near or far enjoyed this Heart Opening, What a Difference it would be,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breathe of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

Opening Your Heart to Your True Soul Self
This is a Transmission of Compassion from Quan Yin designed to help you clear blocks (karma) keeping you from Embracing All that You Are. There are energies intertwined in the clearing to uplift and encourage you. To receive all you have to do is open, let the energies wash over you as you would let sunlight bathe your skin...

More Blessings to Clear the Way, Enjoy....

Sunday, December 28, 2014


More Verification of some the Vast changes that are coming to the surface around Our Planet, 
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breathe of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

POOFness for DEC 28: Love Is The Answer!!!!
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 28-Dec-2014 20:43:37
Hi, Folks - Received via e-mail: =====
-------- Original Message --------
From: 2goforth
Subject: Fwd: Love Is The Answer!!!!
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 19:55:16 -0500

"Love Is The Answer"
Name your price
A ticket to paradise
I can't stay here any more
And I've looked high and low
I've been from shore, to shore, to shore
If there's a short cut I'd have found it
But there is no easy way around it
Light of the world, shine on me
Love is the answer
Shine on us all
Set us free
Love is the answer
Who knows why
Someday we all must die
We're all homeless boys and girls
And we are never heard
It's such a lonely, lonely, lonely world
People turn their heads
And walk on by
Tell me is it worth just another try
Light of the world, shine on me
Love is the answer
Shine on us all
Set us free
Love is the answer
Tell me, are we alive
Or just a dying planet
(What are the chances)
Ask the man in your heart
For the answer
And when you feel afraid
(Love one another)
When you've lost your way
(Love one another)
And when you're all alone
(Love one another)
And when you're far from home
(Love one another)
And when you're down and out
(Love one another)
And when your hopes run out
(Love one another)
And when you need a friend
(Love one another)
And when you're near the end
(We've got to love)
(We've got to love one another)
Light of the world, shine on me
Love is the answer
Shine on us all
Set us free
Love is the answer
Light of the world, shine on me
Love is the answer
Shine on us all
Set us free
Love is the answer...
Link Greetings and Salutations: POOF SAID;

The last few years has dealt all of you a heavy blow and you are not believing anything right now. What if we tell you to be in celebratory mode that it is OVER.!!!!!!

It is over, so over and very much over.... the time and the chimes are ringing in a new day for All. This is the beginning of the real end; the end 0f the long wait and the long travail and the long hoseing down of the buffered spirits. The time of making changes and the time of waiting is all but over. Can we be specific? No. Of course not but we are happy to report that we can see the entangled being untangled and the threads of many changes being tightened and the other threads being removed and the pipelines bursting with good news. Yes! The major issues are now resolved and the closure of some others is upon us. You are going to see the benefits of all of this very soon.. The ties that bind have bound the pipes that were clogged and are being opened; the ways of the mysterious have been cleared and the threadbare have been rethreaded. It has been a long time coming, yes, but it will be well worth it. So be assured that you should be quite pleased with the results that are upon you!!.. .P...

FLY ~ by Jason Upton and an Angel

Enjoy the music, it's a Real Heart Opener & Mind Bender as dimensionstretch into each other,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breathe of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

----- Original Message -----
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2014 3:12 PM
Subject: FLY ~ by Jason Upton and an Angel
GalacticHeart banner


Dear PAO: Thank you for your messages. They give all of us far-flung light workers hope for the future. With Love and Light, Olive,UK
Thank you so much for such an enlightening webinar! It was the same excellent standard as the previous three webinars, although I profess to a bias towards the latest one because of its exciting information about the future. LR/New Zealand

Each member of the Galactic Federation brings a specific skill to their role in the first contact process. In this Webinar, Sheldan presents the various GF first contact team members and describes how they will assist us in our shift to full consciousness.

We are evolving back to oneness!

Topics include...

• Who was King Atlas? Where did he go wrong?
• Are we repeating the last days of Atlantis?
• Decoding Current Events ~ political and economic realities
• Galactic Federation Members ~ their key roles and how they are helping us
• Agarthans are walking among us ~ what is their role?
• Returning to Unity Consciousness (Returning to Oneness)

NOTE: By purchasing PAO's many webinar archives, dvds or books, you support us and keep our message spreading around the world. Happy Holidays!



Jason Upton and his band were engaged in concert/worship at a college auditorium in Alexandria, Louisiana, when a God incidence miraculously happen while Jason was totally consumed by the Holy Spirit, as so often he is. I'll summarize the testimony of Michael, a band member, below that I heard and watched on a video of his testimony on youtube (click here to listen to the youtube testimony):
Screen shot 2014-12-28 at 2.54.03 PM
Michael, one of Jason's band members, was checking the sound tract equipment recording the concert, when he looked up at the ceiling and saw fog floating around. He figured it was the condenser in the air conditioner creating it. He turned around and asked the janitor what the stuff is floating around the ceiling. The janitor didn't know and stated that there are no pipes up there. A Holy fear came over Michael and immediately lead him to hide under the soundboard. He felt so much God that he knew something was going to come through. All of a sudden, a boy came to Michael while Mike was under the soundboard and, in a very loud voice, told Michael that there was a 12 foot angel with wings on the stage standing directly behind Jason. As I understand it, only the boy could see the angelic apparition. Mind you, also, that Michael or the band members were not singing, as one was under the soundboard and the other was on stage, but not singing himself. Jason was singing the prophecy the Holy Spirit was giving him, and thus, the gathering was not singing, as well.
Michael came out from under the soundboard and looked at the recorder and it was clearly recording the vocal harmony, but only Jason was heard to be singing some words on stage that made no sense --"ahda daah (sp) (these words, however, did not come out on the segment played on the least I can't hear them...I tend to be a little deaf, LOL) . Michael said to himself that if the harmony is on the recording when he plays it back, he was going to come out of his skin! He then look up at Jason and Jason's eyes were rolled back into his eye sockets, while teetering back and forth and totally caught up by the Spirit".
After the concert/worship, Jason and Michael went back to the dorm for the evening, as Michael roomed with Jason. Jason, still feeling "in the Spirit" said that his body members felt very tingly. Michael said Jason was still high in the Spirit and laid on the bed with his clothing on and fell asleep for the night.
The next morning Michael went back to Nashville and played the recording back. Low and behold, a perfect angelic harmonious voice came through and absolutely floored Michael! The engineer at the studio said he thought it was just a psycho acoustic anomaly and walk away, dismissing Michael's amazement. Mike told the engineer to come back and sort out all the channels, and sure enough, on one of the channels, the engineer said that it sounded like some 12 foot person was singing harmony behind Jason (of course the engineer did not know what he was saying at the time when he made the "12 foot" comment). Michael said to the engineer, "I knew it was an angel", laughing for Joy! Furthermore, come to find out, via later emails, "ahda daah' (sp) was the Malawi language for "Come to the Table"!


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Saturday, December 27, 2014

"The Year of Turnarounds And Positive Changes"

 We’re going to have a lot of changes basically but essentially, I’d say, well I actually gave it a formal title, “The Year of Turnarounds And Positive Changes” basically. So in your own personal life think about what turnarounds you are ready for, what positive changes you’re welcoming in your life. And then on the global scale, same thing...

Now is the time to focus on the Solutions for each situation that we wanto impliment.
We're moving into a time of Greater & Greater Support as change comes to Greet us,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breathe of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article
Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon
(Complimentary every week)

"New Year 2015"

January 1, 2015
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. Well we’re technically pre-recording this because you know all of the articles go out every week for those who have subscribed to them and we do them ahead so that the ladies that run the office and all can have their time off and the channel can have her time off so we have, we say the office is unwomanned during the holidays so Janet and Terri both are off.
Now this year, I do want to talk about it because it is a turnaround year. We are finally going to see the end of the strenuous things coming about, the Uranus Pluto Squares, the Blood Moons will finish up sometime during the year.
We’re going to have a lot of changes basically but essentially, I’d say, well I actually gave it a formal title, “The Year of Turnarounds And Positive Changes” basically.
So in your own personal life think about what turnarounds you are ready for, what positive changes you’re welcoming in your life. And then on the global scale, same thing. Maybe you’d like to turn around the problem of world hunger. Perhaps you’d like to purify water on a mass scale. That sort of thing.
Really use your energy in positive directions because positive changes can come about and will come about from lessons learnt from the previous years.
Alright Dear Ones. As always, thank you and my love to you.
Djwhal Khul
Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon
(Spirituality Article, Transcribed by Micheline Ralet)

Thursday, December 25, 2014

From PAO ~ Tis the Season....

We are moving to beginnings, new planetstar systems & dimensions to fulfill our dharma & ourselves,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace Breathe of Our Ascension

Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****

----- Original Message -----
From: PAO
To: GalacticJack Furst
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2014 10:52 AM
Subject: From PAO
PAO Email Update banner -MadMimi72

Tis the Season....

Tis the season to open our hearts and count our blessings. We at PAO, Sheldan, Colleen, Miles and Rhonda, send our gratitude and Love to all. We are blessed to be a part of such an enlightened, dedicated community. 2015 promises to be a year of LIGHT!

On behalf of the Galactic Federation, Agarthans and Ascended Masters.....We all wish you a happy Holiday season.
